Last Time I Saw You

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A young girl, about 10, and her parents are driving through the forrest. The girl's parents are archeologists and have just uncovered a pod-like capsul that is believed to have crash-landed from outter space. They were towing it behind their small car and were bringing it to a lab for further tests. It was a peaceful night. But not for long.

Suddenly, an alien warship towered in the sky and two silver mechs were seen transforming into jets and flew off the ship. The bigger jet flew down towards the ground and the smaller jet followed. The parents looked behind them and exchanged worried looks. The chatter in the car suddenly stopped and their daughter peered at them with a curious look. Then, her parents started to whisper rapidly.

"He said they'll lead them away from it!"

"They must've picked up this signal too."

"J- Jordan! It's them! They're coming!"

The dad slammed on the gas and the car lurched forward as it excelerated. Their daughter's expression turned from curiosity to fear.

"Mommy! What's happneing?"

"Don't worry Alex. Just sit tight."

The two jets flew after them and Alex turned to look out the back window. Her dad whispered something to her mom and her mom nodded. She dug through her purse and pulled out a flashdrive disguised as a necklace. Her daughter stared as she held it out to her.

"Alex, honey. Look at me, please. I need you to get this to Agent William Fowler if we can't. Can you do this for me?"
Alex hesitated, then she nodded and slipped the chain over her head.

The car tires slipped on mud and spun out of control. It stopped when it slammed into a tree and glass shattered everywhere. The parents quickly got out of the crashed car, grabbed their daughter, and ran. Alex gripped the back of her dad's shirt and watched as something happened that she would never forget.

There was a sudden sound like gears shifting and plating locking together. When that stopped, two tall, silver mechs were towering above them. Alex screamed as the bigger and scarier one reached for her. Her parents began to run faster, completely unaware of the danger of their actions.

"Starscream! Which of the humans has the information we need?" The bigger and scarrier mech demanded.

"Lord Megatron, I uh... do not know wich one." The skinny mech responded.
(Please don't get mad at me for calling Starscream "skinny" I mean, he is.)

"Then find it, kill it, and get the information!"

The small girl shrieked with surprise and her father handed her to her mother.

"Willow! Take Alex and run! I'll try to draw them away." Her father yelled.

Alex reached for her dad as his hands slipped out of her's. Her dad kissed her on the head and told her to be brave. Her mom pulled away from him and ran one way, while her dad ran the other.

The two mechs paused for a moment to decide which path to take, and Alex silently prayed that the less scarier mech would come their way. Or that they'll just give up and go home.

Unfortunately, life is so fragged up.

The mech she believed to be Megatron came in their direction. Loud footsteps were heard as the ground shook beneath her feet. Megatron emitted a low laugh and jerked his helm from side to side.

"Oh! So we're playing a human game now? I do like to find my prey, and hunt them down!" He growled.

Alex's mom creeped along the forrest floor, Alex close behind. Then a chain reaction happened. A twig snapped, two humans stop in their tracks, and a big scary robot finds them.

"Aha! Found you!" Megatron exclaimed as he reached for Alex.

But her mom wasn't gonna let that happen.

She pushed Alex out of the way and allowed herself to be grabbed. Alex screamed again and tried to pull her back, without success. With Alex's mom in his servo, he made a noise between a growl and a chuckle. His scarred lips curled into a evil smile as he watched her struggle. Then Starscream emerged through the trees, carrying Alex's dad in his servos. Alex could only watch as they began interrogating her beloved parents.

"I am going to ask you a simple question." Said Megatron. "I expect you two to answer, or the there will be severe punishment." He took Alex's dad from Starscream into his free servo. "Where is the information we want?"

The two parents looked at each other with pretend confusion.

"Whe don't know what you're talking about!" Her mom said desperately.

"Really? Then why did we receive knowledge of you having it? And why do you have an Iacon relic?" Her mom was suddenly jerked around in Megatron's servo. "ANSWER ME!!!"

There was a long, dreadful silence. Alex cowered in her hiding spot, knowing that she should speak out, tell him, and save her parents. But something took over and held her in place.

"Fine... you won't talk, you both will never talk again!" He tightened his grip harder than he ever did while handling a human. There was two loud snaps and Jordan and Willow Peterson took their last breaths.

Alex saw as their bodies went limp. She didn't cry or scream, she just hid there. Why? She knew she could've saved them. She could've walked right out there and say something. But she didn't. She didn't say anything and it cost her parent's lives. If she was to be silent, then she'll do it for the rest of her life. On that night, Alex swore she would never talk again.


Oh Primus... I didn't know how sad this first chapter was gonna

A- anyway... first chapter of my first story

Thanks guys, for not just exiting out (if you haven't done already)


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