It's Time to Seek Answers

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Chapter 7

As they left the mall, Emilie and Amber had gathered everything they needed for Amber's room. The young girl couldn't contain her curiosity and began discussing the idea of calling Damon to find out what he might know about her biological parents. Emilie, however, felt a mix of emotions about this idea. She knew Amber's longing to reunite with her real mom and dad was natural, but sometimes, it was better to let things unfold in their own time. In just two days, they would all meet Amber's biological parents in person, a momentous occasion Emilie couldn't wait for.

Amber, still brimming with questions, turned to her mother and asked, "Mom, what are we going to do when we get home?" Her eyes sparkled with anticipation. Emilie considered her daughter's query and suggested, "We could make some cupcakes if you like." Amber's face lit up with a bright smile at the thought of baking together. "Yes, I think that would be so nice," she eagerly agreed.

Emilie couldn't help but feel a deep sense of warmth and happiness. Her connection with Amber was growing stronger by the day, and she cherished these moments together. But she also knew that there were important conversations to be had.

"Amber," Emilie began, her voice gentle but firm, "what's important for you to understand is that Rick and I love you dearly, and every day we want to do everything we can to make you happy." She paused, looking into her daughter's eyes, hoping to convey her sincerity. "I know you want me to call Damon and find out more, but before we do that, I think we should speak to your dad."

Amber nodded in understanding. She trusted her mother's judgment and knew that their family was built on love and trust. The anticipation of meeting her biological parents was overwhelming, but in this moment, being with her mother and soon-to-be father was enough to fill her heart with contentment. They continued their journey home, Amber's excitement undiminished, while Emilie's thoughts were filled with both anticipation and a sense of responsibility to protect and guide her beloved daughter.

"But please remember that if we go and see Damon, you can't go with us. We first want to hear what he knows, and if we feel that it's safe to take you to meet him and ask him what you want to know, we will take you to his place," Emilie explained to Amber as they drove back home.

Amber nodded thoughtfully, understanding her mother's concern. "Yes, I do understand, Mom. Don't worry. I know you just want the best for me. But I do need to find out what happened to my real parents," she replied with a mix of determination and longing.

Emilie smiled at her daughter's resilience and determination. She knew that this journey to uncover the truth about Amber's past was important, but she also wanted to ensure their safety and well-being. The love between them was evident, and Emilie was willing to do whatever it took to protect Amber.

As they approached their home, Amber's excitement bubbled up again. "I can't wait to show my dad how my phone works," she exclaimed with enthusiasm. "He's going to be so jealous."

Emilie chuckled, delighted by Amber's enthusiasm. "I'm sure he'll be amazed by all the things you can do with it," she replied. Amber's anticipation for the upcoming meeting with Rick, combined with the desire to learn more about her own history, filled the air with a sense of anticipation and adventure.

"Come on, Amber, help me get everything inside the house," Emilie called to her daughter as they stood at the doorstep, arms loaded with shopping bags and items for Amber's room. Together, they made their way up the stairs, where Emilie paused to unlock the front door and usher Amber inside.

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