I had too

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I was so lost in thought. I had to prove that Ben wasn't guilty. I checked my phone. January 28th. I had 3 days before trial according to the date that the woman said.

I started crying. I needed help but I had no-one to turn too. I flipped through my contacts. I truly had no-one. I came to the last contact. Mrs. Solo. Ben's mom had given me her number before we left. Scared and kind of nervous I tapped the call button and put the phone to my ear. One ring. 2 ring. She answerd.

"Hello Rey? How are you? How is Ben? We all miss you terribly. The twins are so excited to see you again. I heard about your grandfather. I'm so sorry Rey. I'm sure he was a good man. He did a excellent job raising you."

I smiled. I loved Ben's mom. She really cheered me up but I had to tell her. I sighed.

"Mrs. Solo, Ben got arrested for kidnapping a girl named Rose Tico but I believe he was wrongly accused becuase we weren't even in Courscant or near the university when it happened. We were in Ach-To for the funeral. I don't know what to do. I know he is innocent," I said feeling tears form in my eyes.

There was a long moment of silence on the phone. I heard the twins in the background fighting over something. God I just wish everything would be okay. After a few moments Mr. Solo picked up the phone.

"Rey, you are to listen to what I say. Ben is innocent. There is proof scince he was no were near the scene of the crime. The only reason he is being arrested is becuase of his history with the police. He wasn't the most cooperative teenager but he wasn't bad. I can't come and neither can Leia due to complications but we want you to talk to the police than call is back right away. Is that understood?"

"Yes," I said in a slightly scared voice.

I hung up the phone and turned around. I had forgot that I was still in the station. I walked right out of the door and demanded to speak to someone.

I had to get Ben out of this mess. I had to.....

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