Highever castle

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Aegon Cousland who was wearing his star metal armor on the breast plate are his two crests on it, a one headed white dragon curled with red claws, fangs, eyes and breathing red fire to his family crest surrounding it and his two star metal swords in their scabbards with their belts bucked to him also his star metal shield with his two crests on it a one headed white dragon curled with red claws, fangs, eyes and breathing red fire to his family crest surrounding it had been summoned by his father Bryce Cousland to the main hall for what reason Aegon did not know then he enter the main hall just as his father was finishing talking to arl Rendon Howe when he noticed Aegon and says "I'm sorry pup I didn't see you there, Howe you remember my son Aegon?" Rendon Howe answers "I can see he has grown into a fine young man. pleased to see you again lad." Aegon smiles at arl Howe and ask "is your family here, arl Howe." Rendon Howe answer "oh no, I left them in Amaranthine, well away from the fighting in the south, they do send their best wishes. my daughter Delilah asked after you. Perhaps I should bring her next time." Aegon smiles politely then he sadly answers "thank you for the offer arl Howe but I have no interest of marring anyone else especially giving that the one I'm in love with is married to the king." Bryce hearing the sadness in his son's voice places a comforting hand on Aegon's shoulder then he says "I'm sorry pup, you know if Anora wasn't betrothed to Cailan that i and your mother would have secured a betrothed between the two of you and both of you would be have been married." Aegon smiles at his father and says "I know father but both teryn Loghain and king Maric had other plans." byrce then tells Aegon why he summoned him saying "at rate pup, i summoned you for a reason. while your brother and i are away, i'm leaving you in charge of the castle." Aegon answers his father with determantion "i will guard highever with my life father." bryce smile and says "now that's what i like to hear. only a token force is reamining here, and you must keep the peace in the region. you know what they say about mice when the cat is away, yes? there also someone you must meet, please show Duncan and his companions in." a guard leaves to show Duncan and his companions Odette the dalish elf, Aurora the city elf, dwalren the dwarf commoner, Antonia Fontana the mage and her lover Cullen Rutherford a former Templar in who walks up to byrce, rendon and Aegon then he says "its an honor to be a guest in your hall teryn cousland." rendon howe looks surprised and says "your lordship, you didn't mention that there would grey wardens would present." byrce answers rendon "Duncan and his companions just arrived recently, unannouced. is there a problem?" Rendon answers "of course not, but guests of this stature demands certain protocols. i am at a disadvantage." bryce answers "we rarely have the pleasure of see one in person that's true. pup, brother aldrus taught you what the grey wardens are, i hope?" Aegon answers "they defeated the darkspawn long ago." duncan answers "not permanlty, I fear." bryce says to Aegon "without their warning of the darkspawn raising now, half the nation would been overrun before we could react. Duncan and his companions is looking for recruits before join us and his fellow wardens in the south, i believe he's got his eye on ser gilmore." duncan then says "if i might so bold, i would suggest your son is also an excellent candidate." byrce then tell duncan "honor though that may be, this is one of my son's we're talking about." Aegon tells both his father and duncan "its alright father, I have no interest of join the grey wardens but i thank you for suggestion duncan but i know to join you have to drink darkspawn blood so you can sense the dark spawn but the negative effect is that it cuts your life in half then soon or later there's calling that makes you go down to deep roads to die before the blight overcomes you. i'm sorry duncan but i wish to live a long healthy life for i have big plans that I don't won't destroy by living a half-life." byrce says "did you hear that duncan my son isn't interested so unless you're going invoke the right of conscription." duncan tells bryce "have no fear while we need many good recruits as we can find. I've have no intention of forcing the issue." byrce turns around and faces Aegon while saying "pup, can you ensure that duncan's request are see to while i'm gone?" Aegon answers his father "of course father." byrce then says to Aegon "in the meantime. find fergus and tell him to lead the troops to ostagar ahead of me." Aegon answers his father "yes father right away." Aegon turns around and leaves the hall to find his older brother fergus and tell him their fathers orders when ser gilmore approaches him by saying "there you are, your mother told me the teryn had summoned you, so i didn't want to interrupt." Aegon turns to ser gilmore and says "hello to you as well ser gilmore." ser gilmore says to Aegon "pardon my manners my lord. its simply i've been looking all over the castle for you. i fear your hound has the kitchen in an uproar again. nan is threating to leave." Aegon ask "did the dog find his way into the larder again?" ser gilmore answers "no matter how the maids try to keep him out, he always finds a way in." Aegon tells ser gilmore "nan is hust blowing off steam. she's always been like that." ser gilmore tells Aegon "your mother disagrees. she insists that you collect the dog and quickly. you know these Mabari Hounds they only listen to their master's, anyone else risks having an arm bitten off." Aegon says "he knows better than to hurt anyone." ser gilmore says "i'm not willing to test that. you're quite like to have your own Mabari war hound, smart enough not to talk, my father always say. of course, at any rate your mother would have me accompeny you until the matter is sett;ed, shall we?" Aegon tells ser gilmore "i need to talk to my brother first." Ser gilmore tells Aegon "your mother was quiet specific-- unless the castle is under attack, you get that dog before doing anything else. her words not mine. err before we go my lord might i beg a question? i've heard from several people that grey wardens is here is that true?" Aegon answers ser gilmore "yes it's true he is here looking for new recuits and you are among those he seeks to recuit. but we can disscue this another time for lets get Draco out of the lader." ser gilmore says to Aegon "yes my lord." they head for the kitchen where nan is shouting at the servent elves "get that bloody mutt out of the lader." the female elf says "but mistress it won't let us near." nan shouts "if i can't get into that lader. I'll skin both of you useless elves, i swear it." Aegon says to nan "calm down nan then who would help you with cooking dinner?" nan turned towards Aegon angerily saying "you and you, your bloody mongrel keeps getting into my larder that beast should be put down." Aegon says to nan "he's not a mongrel, he's a pureblood Mabari hound nan." nan says to Aegon "a blight wolf is what he is, how am i suppose to cook like this." Aegon tells nan "don't worry nan, i will get draco out the larder." Aegon and ser gilmore enter the larder to see Aegon's mabrai hound named draco smelling around then he notice his master and barks happily at him then Aegon ask his mabari "what is it draco? are you trying to tell me?" ser gilmore says to Aegon "he does seem to be trying to tell you something wait what was that?" suddenly giant rats attack Aegon and ser Gilmore including Draco but Aegon draws both blackfyre and dark sister then he starts to kill the giant rats along with ser Gilmore and Draco until all the rats were dead then ser Gilmore says "giant rats? It's like the start of every bad adventure story my grandfather used to tell me. your hound must have chased them through their holes. looks like he was raiding the larder after." Draco barks then Aegon says "those were very large rats." ser gilmore says " i've seen larger, they come up from the korari wilds sometimes. but see as you've got Mabari hound in hand. i'll be on my way, i'm to perpare for the arrival of the arl's men." ser gilmore leaves to perpare for the arrival of the arl's men while Aegon leaves the larder with Draco when nan says "there he is, as bazens as you please. licking his chops after helping himself to the roast no doubt." Aegon says to nan "actully you should proud with Draco nan, he was defending the larder from large rats from the korari wilds." Nan sighs in annoyance "hmph, no doubt that dog led those rats into there to begin with."Aegon says to nan "i'll let you get back to work now, nan. i need to talk fergus." Aegon leaves the kitchen and was head towards the keep where his family sleeps including guests when he hears his mother Eleanor talking to someone "and my dear byrce brought this back from orlais last year. the marquis who gave it to him was drunk, i understand, and mistook byrce for the king." Aegon approaches his mother with Draco and his mother notices him while saying "ah here is my youngest son. i take it by the presence of that troublesome hound of yours that the situation in the kitchen is handled?" Aegon smiles and says to his mother "yes mother and Draco wasn't raiding the larder, he was defending it from large rats from the korari wilds." Aegon's mother says to him "please don't try to ruin the appetites of our guests Aegon. Darling you remember lady landra, brann loren's wife?" lady landra says to Aegon "i think we last met at your mother's spring salon." Aegon says to lady landra "of course. it's good to see you again my lady." lady landra says "your too kind dear boy. didn't I spend half of the salon shamessely flirting with you?" lady landra's son Dairren says to his mother "right in front of your family too." lady landra says to Aegon "i believe you know my son, Dairren? i believe the two of you sparred in the last toureny." Dairren says to Aegon "and you beat me handily as i recall. its good to see you again my lord." Aegon says to Dairren "you're being modest. you fought very well." lady landra then says to Aegon "and this is my lady in waiting Iona, do say something dear." Iona says to Aegon "its a great honor my lord. i have heard many wonderful things about you." Lady landra says to Eleanor "don't look now Eleanor, but i believe the girl has a crush on your lad." Iona says to lady Landra "Lady Landra!" Eleanor says to Landra "hush landra. you'll turn the poor thing scarlet," Aegon is amused by lady landra joke but he is still loyal to anora so he replies "thank you for the gesture lady landra but I have no interest of marring anyone else especially giving that the one I'm in love with is married to the king, i hope you don't take any offense iona." iona shakes her head telling him that she dosen't take offense while Eleanor can sense her son's sadness about Anora marring Calian instead of him, walks up to Aegon and hugs him in comfort while saying "I'm sorry about Anora darling but King maric and teryn Loghain were discussing about Cailan marring her before the two of you met." Aegon hugs his mother back and says "I know mother but I will not marry anyone else also Duncan tried to recruit me but I said no, now I must go talk to Fergus so if you will excuse me." Eleanor lets Aegon go and Aegon resumes heading to the keep where he find Fergus saying goodbye to his wife Oriana Cousland and his Oren who was asking him to bring back a sword while misspelling it to which Fergus corrects his son and promise's to bring one back for him while his wife is not as confident but Fergus reassure her and Oren then he notices Aegon who tells him "Fergus, father wants you to go ahead and led the troops to ostagar ahead." then Fergus comments about Howe's men being late but agrees to lead the troops ahead of their father, then their parents walk in on their talk and Fergus says goodbye to his wife, son and their parents as he is saying goodbye to Aegon who tells his "be careful Fergus and please come back alive because I couldn't replace you as Oren's model." Fergus reassures Aegon that he be careful and come back alive then Fergus and the troops leave Highever for ostagar.

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⏰ Last updated: May 18, 2023 ⏰

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