Learn From Our Mistakes

Start from the beginning

"Did he say where he was going Jordyn?"

"No, he was just saying that he needs to get away. I think it's because he didn't take his pills, and when I tried to tell him that he got even more enraged."

Ashlyn thinks for a moment. "I should just call the police, I really don't feel like chasing after him."

~phone convo~

"Lansing Police Department, how may I help you?"

"Hi I'd like to file a missing person report."

"Can you describe the person to me ma'am."

"Yes he's my son Brendon. About 5'10",  short curly brown hair and brown eyes. He has some ADHD that he neglected to take his medication for, and seemed to wander off."

"I see, can you tell me how long ago he went missing?"

"Yes, about an hour and a half to two hours ago."

Ash then proceeded to tell the officer where they lived and some other personal information.

"Just stay in your house just in case he comes back ma'am. We'll keep you updated."

"Okay thank you so much." 


Ash can't do anything but worry now. She doesn't want to call Whitney, because then she'd get all upset. They really have a lot on their plates. 

It's been about a half an hour of Ash sitting on the living room couch trying to decide what to do with Dalton's punishment and how to talk to Brendan when he gets home. Then she also has to get the house ready for when Bryce comes home from the hospital and give Taylor her knee medication. And with all that, Jonah is super nervous for his piano recital in 3 days, Jordyn wants help with practicing her school government election speech, and both Whitney's parents and her mom are coming for Easter in one week!

She sighs as someone rings the doorbell. Ash gets up from her seat and goes to open the door. When she does, she sees her son, escorted by 2 police officers, in the doorway.

"Good evening ma'am, Officer Delgado, Lansing Police Department. This is your son Brendan correct?" 

"Yes sir." Ash replies while giving a look to Brendan.

"May I see some ID please?" Officer Delgado says while peering into the house.

"Yea, of course." Ash says while taking out her wallet and handing him the card. 

"One moment please..." The man replies as he and the other officer step to the side to review it.

Ash looks at Brendon, and notices one more thing about him. He is in handcuffs! 

"Brendon..." Ash says while staring at the boy.

"I know Mama..." Brendon quickly replies as he begins to cry. "...I know I'm a fuck up. You don't have to remind me..." 

Ash looks at her son, his shirt ripped, hands behind his back and tears streaming down his face. She can't help but feel sorry for him, for she has known him since he was a little baby. He was her little boy.

Brendan sniffles as Ash continues to lean up against the side of the doorframe. She slowly gets closer to him and raises her hand to his cheek, wiping away a falling tear. 

"Hey..." She says.

Brendon looks up at her with his eyes all red.

"...everything will be alright..." Ash continues. "...and you're not a fuck up. You're my son, and no child of mine is anything like that." 

BENDING THE RULES..A USWNT FANFICWhere stories live. Discover now