Jailhouse Rock and Jealousy

Start from the beginning

“Hey, Carol.” Michael smiled and pecked Nan on the cheek.

“Hey, Mikey.” Nan smiled as she made her coffee.

“C’mon, Lil. We have to get going, we don’t want to be late for school.” Luke said awkwardly.

“One, when did you care so much about being late? And two, it’s only 7:30…” I pointed out.

“Oh, right..” Luke scratched the back of his neck.

“I’ll get ready, you stay here and socialize.” I winked.

*    *    *    *


It was 5 minutes since Kali had left to get ready and Carol had gone back into her room to finish her book. Lanky Luke leaned on the kitchen counter, he was staring at his shoes, not daring to make eye contact with her.

“Look, I have no intention of fucking Kalila, okay?” I tried to break the silence, though the conversation starter wasn’t the best. But it was all I could think of.

“She doesn’t like to be called Kalila, you call her Lil or nothing.” Luke said to the floor.

Weird, she never mentioned that. She signed off all her letters with Kailia. Plus it was a beautiful name. Kali sounded nice too. Though ‘Lil’, sounded like a nickname for a Lily or Lilian.

“What about Kali?” I asked.

“What? As a nickname? I haven’t heard anyone call her that before… I guess, but you have to ask her if she likes it.” Luke shrugged.

“But why doesn’t she like the name Kalila? It’s a beautiful name!”

“Something to do with her dad, I’m not 100 per cent sure. She never speaks of her dad, and you shouldn’t bring it up, ever.” Luke warned.

Luke seemed like a nice guy, he obviously cared for Kali. I didn’t want to be enemies with this guy, I should ask him for a truce. I don’t want him to think I’m here to steal Kali of him. I’m here for something different, something fresh.

“Look…” I started off. Luke snapped out of his daze and focused on me. “I want us to be mates, or at least not enemies.  I’m not here to steal Kali off you, even though she makes it clear she’s is no one girl but her own. I’m here to start fresh and get some air. Kali just lead me here. He is a nice person, someone I want to be friends with, nothing more! And I wouldn’t mind being friends with you either.”

“Same, I don’t want to start any drama. And I don’t want there to be any conflict which would annoy Lil!” Luke added.

I offered my hand for Luke to shake. “Mates?” I asked.

“Mates.” Luke smiled as he clasped my hand and shook it.

“Wow, bonding so fast?” Kali joked as she walked into the kitchen.

She wore a uniform similar to Luke’s just a female version. Her make-up was light and natural. Her long brown hair was straighten like every other teenage girl. “Well, it’s better than enemies, isn’t it?” I laughed and slung my arm over Luke.

“You guys are getting closer and closer every moment. I better watch out for you Michael, you might steal my guy.” Kali winked.

“I could try, but I am not competition against you.” Michael beamed.

Letters ➸ Michael CliffordWhere stories live. Discover now