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I flopped onto the couch after a long, boring day at school. It wasn’t long before the phone started to ring. With a sigh I rolled of the couch and walked to the phone. “Hello?” I asked.

“Lil!” My mum replied.

“MUM!” I yelled, my heart leaped and then sunk. I got so caught up with the letters that I forgot to call mum.

“Sorry I forgot to call…” I said in a small voice.

“It’s fine, I’ve been really busy. Have you been talking to your nan?”

“Yeah… We’ve been sending some letters to each other…” I lied.

“Good! You know it’s hard to contact her without a phone and stuff. She’d really appreciate the letters. To be completely honest, I thought you wouldn’t be capable to send a letter, you know how all the teenagers are so into their electronic devices.” Mum laughed.

I laughed. “It’s a good experience. Nan is good by the way.”

“That’s good. I’ve been meaning to talk to her, maybe she could visit when I get back, in September! For your birthday!” I could tell mum was smiling on the other end of the phone.

“Yeah, that’s be great.” I said in a flat voice.

“I mean she’s getting really old, and she is my mum. And she should see you grow up… maybe we could put her in a retirement village over at Sandy Village in West Sydney…” Mum trailed off.

My heart started to beat in rapid fire. “She’s got someone looking after her!” I blurted out.


“Yeah, he’s been really good to her, looking after her and helping with the bills.” I blurted out yet again.

“Maybe she could still come over for a few days for your birthday… and that boy can come along!” Mum replied excitedly.

“Sure…” I said with uncertainty.

"How've you been on your own? Has Hudson been any help?" Mum said with a laugh.

"To be honest, I've only seen him once since you left." I replied honestly.

"Sounds like him. Well atleast he hasn't been harassing you! I'll just leave him to do his own thing for a bit, hopefully he pulls his head in a bit..." Mum said.

"Yeah, he should get his life on track soon. He said before he was looking to go to TAFE soon..."

"Good! he better! Here's hoping he doesn't grow up like his father..." I heard mum's voice tighten.

She never mentioned dad. Well not anymore. 

“Anyway, I have to go! But I will try to call on Thursday!” Mum promised.

“Ok, bye. Good Luck. Love you!!!” I called through the phone.

“Bye. I love you, Lil!!”  Mum called back.

The line went dead.

  *    *    *    *

I sat at the desk, a blanket draped over my shoulders. It was a few hours after mum called. I tried to focus on my textbook but my eyes kept wondering to the blank paper. I could write to Nan and tell her about my birthday…

I pushed the thought aside. I need to focus on my science book; I have a big test next week. I will write a letter after 2 hours more of study. 

My phone kept buzzing as I wrote out my notes. I tried so hard to ignore it as my purple pen scrawled across the lined paper. Yes, I write notes in purple pen, it helps me remember things. My phone buzzed for the 7th time.

I dropped my pen in defeat and looked at the messages, they were from Luke.


Hey, baby. I got something to show you :P


I was going to show you tomorrow, but I don’t think I can wait any longer.


Trust me, it’s not sexual!


Well… it can be! Depends how you decipher it!!


It may be a cold night, but the breeze is great…


You should open your window in a sec…


C’mon, open it!!!


I was confused at these messages but I swivelled my chair around and made my way to my window. He was right, it was cold but the breeze was great. I looked around at my lawn below. Luke sat there, his acoustic guitar rested on his leg. Ashton and Calum sat a few metres behind him, Ash with his Cajon and Cal with his bass.

“I wrote a song!!” Luke yelled.

They started playing.

She sleeps alone.

My heart wants to come home.

I wish I was, I wish I was, beside you.

She lies awake.

I'm trying to find the words to say.

I wish I was, I wish I was beside you.

When the song ended I ran downstairs and out into the yard.

“Did you like it?” Luke asked.

“Liked it? I loved it!” I yelled and flung my arms around Luke.

“Seriously,” I said when we let go and looked at Cal and Ash, “if you guys don’t make yourselves an actual band, I’ll sue.”

“But we need another band member!!” Ashton protested.

“Do auditions or something, I don’t know! Just keep writing awesome songs and stuff! Just keep writing songs like this because they are amazing.” I replied and pecked Luke on the check. “Would you guys wanna come in for a bit? I was studying but it’s 12am so I was going to make some tea anyway.”

“Sure!” Luke replied with a smile. He picked up his guitar and walked into the house. Cal and Ash followed.

While the boys watched late night re-runs and sipped their coffee I went upstairs to write out a note quickly. Even though Michael hadn’t replied to my previous letter yet. This one was mainly for my Nan.

Dear Nan,

I sent you a letter a few days ago, Michael replied and I’m not sure if he has talked to you about it. Mum and I would like to get in contact a lot more and was wondering if you’d like to visit soon! My birthday is in September and we would love it if you came to stay for the week!

Lots of Love,

Kalila. Xxx

I re-read the letter and I realized something. I’d only been communicating with Michael for a few days. I’ve only written him 3 or so letters. It’s felt like ages.

After writing the letter I put it in an envelope and left it on my desk. I made my way downstairs to watch a few re-runs with Luke. 

Letters ➸ Michael CliffordWhere stories live. Discover now