Chapter 11 - Curses Swell

Start from the beginning

With the lack of much food apart from hardtrack and salt beef, it was all bland and disgusting. It's as if Capitán Kirkland cooked the meals himself. Y/N had come to laugh and make fun of the fact that she had learnt from Alfred that, despite being a famous notorious pirate, the Englishman couldn't cook to save his life.  

Alfred had come to suffer this back in the days before pirating, and yet Alfred kept it to himself that his step brother couldn't do anything basic at all. In Y/N's mind, it was hilarious.  

Speaking of the English Pirate, he was someone Y/N knew that the 'trust' had to be mutually built for both of them, and at this moment in time, Y/N knew that it needed more time to improve. He was someone who must've never had a partner in such ways like that to work with, and Y/N could some-what agree; she liked to work on her missions alone too.

The only comparison between the two was that Y/N didn't have to worry about a younger sibling, but he did. She sometimes preferred that feeling of not having to worry about anyone else, but sometimes, she was envious. 

Y/N sighed heavily, dismissively walking away from the back of the ship to make her way in hopes as to talk to the one person with some common sense. She could only hope that Kirkland was the one person still sober. She walked slowly, avoiding other crew members, making her way to the captain's cabin.  

Not even bothering to knock, she twisted at the doorknob, peering through to look inside. There was no stopping her from opening the door wide enough to see, and it looked like she was interrupting something. It seemed that Arthur was mid-through nagging or ranting at his step-brother over something. She cursed herself, wishing she had ears-dropped before coming though.   

Kirkland's eyes landed on the opened door, green eyes looking like algae or the same color as the emerald gem across his cravat. But the one thing about them burned more dangerously, like something was simmering hotly to the surface. He looked visibly mad but he didn't say anything.  

Alfred seemed to notice the change of atmosphere and where his brother's eyes were looking at, looking to the H/C haired female briefly before looking away. He looked embarrassed, maybe because he was now in the same room as these two hotheads and knew he had to feel awkward about it.   

 Y/N straightened herself more, releasing the door handle in her grip. "May I speak with you," her eyes darted quickly to Alfred sitting there avoiding all forms of eye contact, "privately." Arthur didn't look all too pleased at the question, crossing his arms over his chest. "Can you not see we're having a discussion? The door was closed for a reason."  

"I know," she responded calmly, smiling to him but it looked more snarky than genuine. I just like seeing how far I can test you before you lose it. "it was something important. But I'm sure he can still remain."

Arthur's eyes turned back to Alfred, something in his eyes that could read as asking for his brother to leave,not wanting whatever it was to be spoken about to influence the teenager in anyway. Alfred seemed to get it after some time that passed, his blue eyes widening.

"W-What? Why do I need to leave? I'm old enough to listen in-"  

"Because I asked you to, now leave." Arthur was quick to show his authority and his power as Captain, which seemed to only annoy Alfred some more. Alfred sighed in defeat, pouting but obeying, standing up and moving for the door. He took one look back, watching Y/N enter properly, before shutting the door behind him with a loud click. 

Y/N took the boy's seat, aware that the Captain's eyes were silently watching her, waiting for her to sit. When she did, did he question her, his tone had a hidden amount of sarcasm and irritation to it.

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