A List of Things That Aren't Happening. Ever.

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"Nope, no. Nope, nope, nope." I said, as I backed away from the god sitting in front of me. My wolf howled at me, telling me to go to him, but no way was that happening. She growled at me, and then growled at the blond still sitting on his knee. I ignored her.

"Nope, no, I don't think so. Nope." I was still backing up, my eyes flickering to the people around me who were looking at me like I was crazy. 

Nero stood up suddenly, knocking the bimbo off his knee. 

"Nadia?" He asked, his voice sending shivers through my spine. It was like honey, dropping over my skin in a sensual embrace. 

"No." I said again, glaring at him, before spinning around and walking away. I heard Amber and Jacob call after me, but I didn't stop till I entered the kitchen with mum and Mary. I felt my wolf howling at me angrily, but I refused to give in. Finally she stopped, falling into the deepest corner of my mind, moping.  

"Mum, I..." 

"Oh Nadia, good you're here. Help us carry these plates out to the table. Come on now." I shook my head, trying to tell her I was planning on leaving, but the look she sent me had me cowering in my shoes. I picked up one of the huge plates of salad and followed Mary into the backyard. We placed our bowls on the white linen cloth and walked back to the kitchen to grab a couple more. When the table was loaded, Mary called the group for dinner and the tables were flocked. I used this as my distraction to escape. Not before grabbing a burger of course.

I slipped into the house, munching on my food and quickly made it out the front door. Walking down the street I forced my mind into a blank slate. I didn't want to think about Nero. Whenever I did, my wolf yelled at me. She was really letting loose the stream of curse words and I rubbed my forehead, trying to ease the pain she was causing. 

I finished my burger, and sprinted home. I ran around to the back of the house and stripped down before shifting into my wolf. The change came quickly, my bones snapping and my hair growing. I shook out my fur, feeling the slight wind ruffle it. I could still smell the delicious scent from over the back fence, but I fought my wolf when my paws started moving automatically in that direction. 

I growled at myself, turning in the opposite direction.

At the opposite end of my street was a huge forest and I ran towards, my claws clacking on the pavement, until finally I hit the dirt. I pushed myself through the foliage, gaining speed as I hurdled over logs and darted around trees. The wind ripping through my fur felt amazing. I felt like I was a speeding bullet, almost invisible to the human eye as I pushed myself harder.

When I finally stopped, I was in a clearing, sitting next to a huge lake. The sun was setting and I collapsed on the lakes edge. My front paws dipped into the refreshing water. My tongue lolled out the side of my mouth as I panted, trying to regain some breath.

I tried to not think about, honestly I did, but my thoughts drifted back to him. Nero. He was tall, easily over 6 foot, with black hair and blue eyes, muscles over every inch of his body. Oh god, what the fates done to me? I'll never escape this.

I felt pressure inside my mind, and I knew someone was trying to contact me. I let the thoughts trickle through, trying to figure out who it was. Luckily it was dad. 

Where are you? He asked me, he sounded pretty pissed off.

I had to go for a run. I answered him.

That's not good enough; we're supposed to be presented to the pack in 10 minutes.

Dad, I found my mate. 

I'll see you at home. 

Dad knew what finding my mate meant and as much as he urged me into it, he couldn't convince me yet. His arguments were always the same though. A mate protects you, and the things that YOU love, so your mate can help us. But I always shook my head; I wouldn't put the person I was supposed to be with for the rest of my life in such a horrible position, because there was always the chance that our old pack will come after us. 

I huffed into the moonlight, enjoying the darkness as it settled over me. I rolled in the dirt, coating my scent so I could slip back into the community without being detected by the patrollers. I began to sprint back home, pushing myself even harder this time. Running made me feel free, it connected me and my wolf, and we felt totally in sync. 

When I was on the edge of the tree line, I paused, watching the street. People were returning home from the barbeque, and I watched as mum and dad walked into the house, bending to pick up my clothes as they went. 

I cautiously stepped onto the pavement, and walked slowly through the streets. A few people looked at me, but turned back to what they were doing when they realized I wasn't a threat. A little girl ran towards me, her mother calling out for her, but of course her being a child meant she had no rules. She stood in front of me, and reached one hand out, stopping a centimeter away from my snout. I rolled my eyes and her and pushed my nose into her hand, letting my tongue loll out and coat the tiny fingers in saliva. She squealed and giggled, patting my fur softly. Finally she listened to her mother, gave me a hug goodbye and ran back to her. The elder woman was smiling down at her, slightly exasperated. When she looked up, she gave me a thankful smile before picking up her daughter, swinging her in the air and walked into their home. I did the same, shifting back as I stepped through the door. 

I pulled on my clothes that had been left beside the door, and walked into the lounge room where mum and dad were sitting.

"Hey." I said quietly.  

"So who is it?" Dad asked sternly and I sighed, dragging my hand down my face and sinking into the plush sofa I was standing in front of. 


"The alphas son?" Mum asked shocked, which I nodded to.

Suddenly I was embraced in a warm hug. 

"This is the best news I've heard all day. Sweetheart, do you know what this means?" I nodded again, but I couldn't speak. I knew it meant that we were going to be protected by the whole pack, but I couldn't help but feel terrible. It felt like I would be using him. I didn't want to do that. I wouldn’t tell my parents that I didn't plan on getting together with him, they would freak out at me. But they knew my reasons, because there was more than one, there always was.

They were celebrating when I cleared my throat. 

"Please don’t tell anyone yet." I asked of them and they looked at me shocked and confused. I answered with a pleading face, hoping they would grant me this. They nodded slowly, and the look of realization flittered over their faces as they thought over everything that had happened in our lives, trying to connect why I wouldn't run straight into my mates arms. 

"Oh honey." Mum said, as she got up and hugged me. I patted her back, before disentangling myself from her. 

"I'm going to go to bed. Goodnight." I left the room, tuning out their soft words so they could have some privacy. My wolf sat forlornly inside me. She knew my reasons as well, and whilst she agreed, she missed our mate. We were a sorry bunch as I trudged up the stairs. 

I whipped my face with a flannel, dislodging the dirt that hadn’t fallen off when I changed back. I was miserable but I would only allow myself tonight myself to mope. Tomorrow, I would be normal. I wouldn't think about mates, I wouldn't even give him the time of day. I wouldn't allow myself to get involved with him. I sighed, feeling my heart sink heavily inside of my chest as I climbed between the soft sheets of my bed, curling into a ball and staring at the wall, knowing sleep was a long way away.

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