Band mates sister!?!?!?! :o

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Luke:  "Guys i would like you to meet my little sister Ashley!" Ashton announces, i glance up to see a beautiful face smiling over to me. She is Perfect!  I quickly got up and hugged her before she could shake my hand. "Nice to meet you Ashley! I'm Luke!" She looks up at me and smiles showing over her white teeth. "The pleasure is all mine." I sit down stealing a few glaces at her. She's looks so perfect. I turned to see Luke Nodding at me as if to say. ' I know what your thinking and i'm cool with it :) '

I see she was standing alone and i ask her if she wants to walk with me. "Sure." She reply energetically. We turned the corner and found a starbucks. "OMG!" Ashley wisper yells before she sprints of into the coffee shop. I quickly follow after her to see was ordering. "And a frap please!" I say to the man. I pay for ours and we sit down. "You didn't have to pay, you know!" Ashley exclaims and i smiled to her. "Okay i know, but you know what you could repay me with?" She shook her head confused "You could go on a date with me!" I said with a wink and she blushed. She got up and turned to me. "Pick me up at 8 from astons house!" And then she walked of leaving me with a smirk on my face ;)

Micheal: I've know Josie for 10 years now and we've been going out for a month. I think we should tell her brother! "Babe Should we go see your brother and ask for his forgivness, or just tell 'im?" I asked smirking at her. She was working out, like doing yoga or somthing. "Really? I thought you didn't want him to know?" She said stairing at me confused.

I sighed. "Well, he is one of my best friends and i don't want him figuring it our and banning us from seeing each other..." I whispered the last part. I can't lose her, she's the reason why i breath! She stood up normal and sat on my lap facing me. "Even if he did ban us from seeing each other, i wouldn't stop seeing you! You are my life, i can't live without you!" tears formed in her eyes and i wiped them away.

"Let's go tell him now?" She nods and takes my hand. We walk to his house which is only a block down from mine! I knock on the door lightly and he appears with smile. He looks at our hands, that were still entwined. He looked puzzled before looking at both of us. I gulped and waited form him to yell. However what he did next was something i couldn't imagine happening.

"Fina-fucking-ly! How long!" He squeal, cause the others to come out and have the same reaction. "Luke it's been a month." Josie anounced smiling over at me and i gently squeezed her hand. This is going to be the best story to tell ur furture kids!

Ashton: I woke up to someone bangig onto our tour bus. I got up to see the others sleeping through the annoying noise. I opened the door to see a punk-rock chick looking up at me with a smile on her perfectly shaped face. "Erm.... Can i help you?" I asked as politely as i could but apparently i was rude, i could tell from the look of anguish crossed her face.

"Oh yeah sorry. Hi my name's Anna, I was ment to come on tour with you guys but my plane ran late and here i am!" She said cheerfully.  I scrowl at here. "Why would you be here for the tour we don't know you!" She suddenly straitern her back and glared at me. "Listen her i know you think your a pretty boy and all and i'm just a freak but don't you dare talk to me as if i was a piece of shit on your shoe and atturly my brother called me here as a suprise for my fucking birthday and you can ask him if you can wake the lazy git up. His names micheal clifford and i'm his sister Anna clifford so please let me in!"

I Looked at her and she looked upset. "Sorry Anna, i get cranky when people wake me up. I'm just going to get Micheal make yourself at home." I helped her with her bags and she smiled at me and sat on the sofa. I walked to the back and woke Micheal. "Bro, your sister Anna is here, go say hello!"

He woke up instantly, pushed me over and ran to her! Well this should be an intresting tour!

Callum:  Callum just off the phone to his mum and now he was smiling like a banchee. "What....?" I ask sceptaclly. He grinned at me. "Mum's coming over with my new adopted sister! She adopted her like a week ago and now i finally get to meet her!" He yells jumping for joy, i smiled at him and we sat chatting till the door open.

I saw Callums mum strait away and the little girl behind her back looked up in fear, she must of had a bad exsperiance with males. "Hey Brook, i'm Callum and i am one of your many brothers!" He said as he crowched down to show her that she doesn't have to be afraid. Brook ran over to him and hugged him, she must of been about 12.

"Thank you Cal!" She says as she gets out of the hug. I walked over to her next and she takes a step back. I crocwched down low and smiled at her. "I'm Micheal! I am another one of yur brothes and i will protect you from all harm! For i am superman!" I done a superman pose and she ran and hugged me. "I'm catwomen. MEOW!" She yelled before she started giggerling.

No matter what i am always going to prtect her!

*What do you think?*

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