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Austin's POV

It was currently 7:40 and I was "patiently " in my room, waiting for Magnus to leave the house . I was listening to some tunes when Skylar burst into my room



I practically yelled quickly sitting up 

"Nothing . He just left"

He answered calmly taking a seat on the bed beside me


I yelled jokingly pushing him 

"Ok, Ok it was only a joke . Don't get your panties in a bunch"

He said laughing his ass off

"So I can go?"

"Hell yeah , you can go!" 

I quickly got up and ran downstairs with Skylar following me 

I got my jacket from the hook and started walking towards the door

"Don't get caught by the police or get drunk and DON'T DO DRUGS "

He yelled as I closed the door behind me saying

"Alright, Grandma"


I reached the party at about 10:00 , because I thought Chris said it was only an hour drive. Turns out he meant it  was an hour "drive". Not an hour walk so it took me about 2 hours to reach this goddamn place. Why didn't I order an uber you say? Well because my asshole of a brother pickpocketed my wallet.

It was pretty easy to see which house was the one with the party since it was the only one with jocks  acting like idiots outside it and toilet paper all over the trees

I started walking down the driveway nearly avoiding a baseball bat that was headed right towards me . Yup people here were pretty drunk but i knew I had missed all of the fun because most of the kids were heading back out

I was about to turn the door handle when someone opened the door for me from the inside . It was Justin and just by one look . I could see that he had engulfed a lot of alcohol . First cause he was swaying in his position , second because when he tried to talk , he started giggling like crazy and literally fell on top of me making me stagger backwards and almost fall down

Just then Chris also came outside

"Hey , a little help please?"

I said trying to get the giggling mess , that was Justin to stand on his own two feet again.

"Yup sure, I'll take this "

He said picking Justin of the ground and placing him on his shoulders. Chris was stronger than any of us you see

I followed him inside and wasn't too surprised to see that almost no one was left .

"Hey bro, follow me . all the homies are upstairs but what took you so long?"

"Well when you said It will take an hour you kind of forgot to mention if it was an hour drive or walk"

"Oooh , Sorry man . That one's totally on me"

He said leading me up the stairs

"It's cool bro. Where are the others?"

I asked tentitivaly . 

"By others do you mean Rydel?"

He said laughing

"SHUT UP! you know she's not my girlfriend anymore!"

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