Chapter 62: It Gets Worse

Start from the beginning

"Alright baby look at me, okay?" I said.

Michael gave the most confused look as I took the makeup wipe and smeared it across Sofie's face.

"Shelby what are you-," Michael started.

"Just hold on Mike," I said.

Sofie began to cry as I removed all of the makeup off of her face.

"There, all better now," I said, placing my hands on Sofie's face.

"Shelby what in the hell was that?" Michael asked. We usually don't cuss in front of the kids, so I could tell that he was utterly confused.

"Sofie got into my new makeup, that I haven't tested yet. I have no clue what's in that stuff, so I got it off her face as fast as I could," I explained.

"Momma I jus wanna be pwidy like you," Sofie said.

"Aww sweety, you're beautiful," I said, kissing her forehead.

"Now my two little models!" Michael cheered.

Michael to my hand as I picked up Sofie and we started to do a little slow dance.

"I guess you'd say, what can make me feel this way? My girls. Talking bout my girls," he sang.

I giggled as he finished the song by The Temptations. 

Tonight Michael said that he had to do something important, so I had to put the kids to bed.

"Mommy, what's with this magazine cover people are talking about?" Matthew asked as I tucked him in.

"Well my picture is a magazine cover and people really seem to like it," I laughed.

"I like it mommy," Matthew said sweetly.

"Aww thank you buddy," I said kissing his head.

"Goodnight love bug," I said, turning the light off.

"Goodnight mommy," he smiled.

"Alright Sofie where are you?" I said, searching the hallway.

"God damnit Sofie," I said under my breath.

Faintly in the distance I could the sound of giggling from down the hall.

"Sofie I'm coming for you, you little rascal!" I laughed as I ran down the hall.

I started to reach the edge of the long hallway when from the corner of my eye I saw a tiny human in one of the guest bathrooms.

"Sofie im gonna get you!" I laughed as I ran to get her.

She laughed hysterically as I tickled her in my arms.

"You found me!" She said happily.

"I did! And it's bedtime for you!" I smiled as I walked into her room.

I lead her down in her "big girl bed" and kissed her on the head.

"Goodnight Sofie Katherine," I smiled as I turned the light off.

"Goonigh mommy!" She said happily as she turned on her side.

I still didn't know where Michael was or what he was doing, but when Michael says important he means it.

I trotted into our room to hear sniffles and little cry's from the bathroom.

At first I thought it was a maid or something, but I couldn't tell.

"Oh no...." I heard, as the bathroom door slammed shut.

I ran over and started banging on the door.

"Michael, is that you in there?" I asked.

No response.

"God, Michael what's going on? Will you just talk to me?" I spat, sliding to the floor.

"No," a crying voice said.

"Oh why not? I'm here to help you!Why won't you let me in? Are you taking pills again?" I asked, crossing my arms.

"NO!" The voice yelled, still crying.

I sat there for a few seconds until his crying became hysterical. I had no clue what was going on, but it broke my heart.

"What am I gonna do?" He asked himself.

Then it hit me.

"Michael? Is this about your vitiligo?! Unlock the door, please!" I said sternly.

"NO!" He yelled.

"Michael I'm not gonna ask you again, unlock the damn door!" I yelled.

"No!" This time his answer was more vulnerable. His voice low and trembling with tears.

"Michael, this is the last time I'm gonna ask you this, unlock the DOOR!" I practically screamed.

"No, no please don't, please don't!" He cried. I knew the tears were probably streaming down his face.

"You're making me do this!" I said.

I took the bobby pin out of my hair and put it in the lock.

I fiddled with it for a few minutes, but it wouldn't budge.

"God damnit!" I yelled, frustration boiling up inside me.

I could still hear Michael crying loudly in the bathroom. I turned the bobby pin again and the door flew open.

I looked inside the bathroom to see Michael curled up in a ball against the shower wall, covering his face.

"Michael!" I cried as I ran over to him.

I took his entire body and held it close to me, rocking him back and forth. He kept crying harder and harder, still covering his face from me.

"Sh, Sh it's gonna be okay. I'm sorry if my yelling startled you, I was just so worried," I comforted him.

"Now, let me see you face, Michael," I demanded.

He shook his head no.

"Please," I simply asked.

I then took his chin, and moved his face to where I could see it plain and easy. It was like his skin color had changed from caramel to white chocolate.

"I'm a freak!" He cried, as I took him back into my arms harder.

"No you're not, Michael," I said softly.

"Yes I am! People are gonna think I don't wanna be black! This is why I didn't want you to see me, you think I'm ugly, don't you?!" He cried and screamed at the same time.

"No, no, no Michael! You are the most handsome man that I have ever seen in my entire life, Okay? You could make your face look like Madonna's and I will still always love you the same. Michael, you mean the world to me! I will never let you go. If a little boy lost his paper boat in a stream, don't you think he would go get it? Yes he would because he loves that paper boat. Now look at me," I said, turning him to face me.

"This is the map, that shows you where you're going," I said, pointing to his heart.

"And this is the map, that shows you where you've been," I said, pointing to his face.

"I'm sorry Shelby!" He said, falling into my arms.

"Nothing to be sorry about, I should be the one saying sorry," I smiled.

"Can we go to bed now?" He sniffled.

"Of course,"

I helped him up from the floor and we made our way to bed hand in hand. When we got into bed, Michael fell asleep in my arms, with tears still in his eyes.

A/N- "This is the map, that shows you where you're going, And this is the map, that shows you where you've been,"
Is a quote from the book/movie Wonder. I read it when I was in sixth grade, (aka AGES ago) and thought it was a cute quotes. Hope you enjoyed.

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