Chapter Twenty three: Model

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Michael's POV
July 6th 1987

Shelby and I have been together for a few months now, and we couldn't be happier! The media has gone wild about Shelby or "Michael Jackson's mystery girl," and they don't even know her name! But they will soon. Over the past months, I've had to record some more songs, but that was okay, Because Shelby's was always there by my side if I needed her. But what I've been doing that's keeping me really busy is gonna make her blow her shit! Over the past few months, I've been working with Calvin Klein, trying to get Shelby a modeling job! And it worked! I'm so excited for her, this has been her dream since she was a kid! I plan on telling her tonight when she gets back from shopping with Janet.

God, I'm so excited to tell her!


"Michael I'm home!" Shelby yelled from downstairs, shopping bags in her hands

"Have fun shopping I see?" I said, pulling her waist towards me, pulling her into a kiss.

"Yeah, we went to the mall, I got a butch of little perfume bottles that spell really good!" She said proudly.

"I'm glad you like them," I laughed.

We set her stuff down, and to a walk about outside.

"So Michael, written any songs lately?" She asked.

"Yeah I wrote this song called The Way You Make Me Feel, bet you can guess who it's about," I laughed.

"Awww that means so much, Michael! I love you," She said kissing me.

"Shelby follow me," I said, grabbing her hand in mine.

I showed her to the my favorite tree, and motioned for her to climb.

She climbed up real fast, and I climbed a bit slower after her. Hey! I was gonna be 29 in a few weeks! She was still only 26. We got up there, waiting for the sun set. Me, waiting for the perfect moment to hand her this letter from Calvin Klein.

As the sun began to set, I handed her the letter,

"Read it out loud, I think you'll like it," I smiled

"To Miss.Shelby Henderson

Dear Miss. Henderson,
Thanks to the effects of Mr. Michael Jackson you have been chosen to do a shoot with us the Calvin Klein company of July 15th, 1987. We do hope you will attend.

~Calvin Klein."

"Oh my god, Michael, is this real?" She asked.

"100%," I smiled

"Oh my-oh my god! I can't believe it! Oh thank you
So much Michael! I love you so much!" She said Tears down her face.

"Anything for the Lady In My Life," I said kissing her forehead, putting my arm around her, watching the sun go down on this beautiful July night.

A/N sorry kinda short but LOVE this scene! Xoxo

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