chapter five- Nice To Meet You

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Shelby's POV I was hiding from paparazzi with THE Michael Jackson!!!! I wasn't really sure why he pulled me away with him, but I wasn't complaining, what a rush!

"Oh my god, I'm so sorry I made you hide with me, its just I didn't want you to me trampled by the paparazzi. They are RUTHLESS!" Michael said to me in his calming, sweet voice.

"Oh its okay, I totally understand, and its not a big deal," I reassured him.

"Do what's your name, I kinda forgot," he said
I think he knows my name, but I think he wanted to start a Convo.

"Shelby, Shelby Henderson, its nice to meet you face to face, Michael!" I replied with. For some reason, all of the sudden I just got so happy around him!

"Shelby, what a beautiful name, for a beautiful girl," he said.


Did the Michael Jackson just called me beautiful? Oh my god, best moment ever!

"Thank you so much, not to bad yourself Michael!" I said back, we both giggled at that.

"So, if you don't mind be asking, how old are you?" He asked

"Oh I'm going to be 26 next week, actually. I still live at home though, we just don't have enough money to pay for college or my own house or apartment, but as my mother always says " you'll make it out one day, baby" I said, as I did an impression of amazing, loving, caring mother.

He laughed so hard at my impression of my mother, it was SOOO adorable!!

"Oh and if you're wondering, which I assume you are, yes I was adopted," I said.

"Oh well that's cool, you must be one lucky girl," he said

I looked out the ground kinda sad like. I wanted to cry, I hated talking about my actual mother.

"Oh Shelby, don't cry, I'm right here," he said as he put his arm around me.


I cried for about a minute as he comforted me, and after that we got to know each other a bit better. He was such a nice person, well-in person. We talked for about 45 minutes, when he said.

"You know Shelby, I would really like to get to know you better, you seem like such a nice and loving girl, do you think we could meet in the park tomorrow?" He asked


Thank god I don't have work for the next few months, they're remodeling the mall I work at so Im out of work right now, but I'm still being paid.

"Of course! Sounds like a plan!" I say, smiling to him.

He pulls he into a warm embrace, as we leave our little hide out. As I walked back to the front the church I saw my mother looking at her watch, and tapping her foot up and down.

"Oh Shelby, where were you? We were worried sick!" Mother said as I walked up to her.

"Two words: Michael Jackson,"

Still Shelby's POV

As I got out of the shower, I put a towel around my head, then took of the makeup that hadn't come off in the shower. I did the rest of my hygiene, and then walked into my room. I was your typical "80s girl"

My walls are decorated with Michael Jackson, Whitney Houston, Guns N' Roses, and The Police. My walls are bright purple, and I have my own phone and TV in my room that I saved up a lot for.

As I walked to my closet, picked out an oversized T-shirt and shorts. I took my hair out of the towel to let it air dry. I sat on my bed and turned on the TV to watch MTV. I had to admit, they were pretty boring.

It was now 11:12 and Faith by George Michael came on. I didn't really care for the song, but it didn't get my attention.

Tap, tap, tap

What was that!?! Its coming from the widow!!!

As I slowly walked to the widow to pull up the blinds, I saw a face I did NOT want to see- my ex boyfriend, Eddie.

I opened the widow and spoke.

"What the hell do you want, Eddie?" I asked him

"Heard you've been effin around with Michael Jackson huh?" He said as he stepped into my room.

"First of all, that's non of your damn business, second of all, when the hell did I invite you into my room?" I asked/told him.

He quickly pushed me hard down on the bed.

"Listen you slut, I'll do whatever the hell I want, you understand that?" He said to me.

"Get the hell out. NOW!" I screamed out him, jumping up from his grasp.

"You really think you can get away from me!?!" He said

I started to back into a corner of my room, as he picked up a weight from the floor front when I was working out earlier.

"Don't you dare come near me with that!" I screamed out him.

"Make me! This is what you get, you slut!" He said.

The next thing I know his that I had just been hit in the stomach with a weight.

It Started In Gary IN. (a Michael Jackson Fanfic) Where stories live. Discover now