Chapter 11 Three Off-Brands (edited)

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Darkness, all Ririi could see was darkness. "Where am I?" it was hazy in the room. Pitch black, creaking of boards and slight clinks could be heard throughout the room. The room felt familiar yet Ririi had no idea where she was. "I've never been here, how did I even get here? Wait, wasn't I just on Misono's love seat?" Ririi thought as she felt around the walls for something to grasp onto. Finally, she found a door handle. Opening the door slowly Ririi peaked into the next room over. It was dimly lit by candles.

A young girl in her mid-teens was talking to a man dressed in a black formal shirt, he looked as if he were from a thanksgiving postcard. "You will feel better once the procedure is over." "Thank you, it's been so hard for me to become happy. I can't keep living like this." "Don't worry dear, it will be over soon. I will end the suffering." The man kissed the young girls head and she turned around. "Rose?!?" Ririi was shocked, Rose looked so much younger, her eyes shined sea green and not glowing red. "Servamps were once humans. So, that explains why she said she was 18, she was that age when she became a Servamp. She doesn't age anymore!"

The room flashed; ghosts of images could be seen. Ririi's vision blurred for a moment but then she seen another woman along with Rose sitting in the room. Yet this time Rose's eyes were red. The woman who was sitting in front of her had long strawberry blonde hair with the most beautiful eyes, her skin was porcelain white along with her ruby red lips, she looked to be the same age as Rose; yet, she looked so fragile almost like a glass doll. "Fear." The woman spoke startling Ririi slightly. "Yes, lady Callein?" Ririi watched as Rose knelt before the woman who was sitting in the chair. "Are you happy here Fear?" "Yes, I am my lady." The woman who Ririi claimed to be Callein smiled to Rose, "I am glad of that. You know, I can't wait to become something new. Then I will be able to stay with my husband forever." Ririi watched as Rose turned to the door, a saddened expression was ghosting her face. "I am happy for that too lady Callein. You both will be happy." Ririi watched as Rose bit her bottom lip and heled a red heart-shaped amulet against her chest.

The room flashed again and Ririi saw Rose once more standing near a table, rubbing the same young man's shoulders from before. "Master, if you could only know how I feel about you. Yet, you chose her; however, I am happy for you both." Rose kissed the top of the man's head as she covered his shoulders with a blanket. "wait..." Ririi whispered considering the situation in front of her, "I must be watching Rose's memory, or is she dreaming?" Ririi looked over at the table to see a body lying on it. the body was clearly a female. "Holy crap..." Ririi slid down the door frame and clutched her stomach. "I'm watching her memories." Ririi couldn't help but continue to watch. "That body must be his fiancé, the one Rose was talking to before."

"I hope your experiment will work on her master, you deserve to be happy; after all, it is my job as your Servamp to make you happy." Ririi could hear the sadness in Rose's voice. "She was in love with the man who changed her into a vampire. he was the human she fell in love with, the one she told Lawless about! Oh my gosh, that man: her creator, he wasn't just her master but also her first Eve, and that heart amulet is her contract item! But...why wouldn't she tell anyone about it? She told me that she never had an Eve, why lie?"

The door Ririi was watching behind slammed shut and Ririi was now sitting in a chair that sat in the corner of the man's lab. "NO!" The man shrieked and threw some books off the table. Ririi gasped and held up her arms bracing for impact, but the pain never came. The books the man had thrown went right through her. She was a ghost; these were just Roses hidden memories. "It didn't work! She is dead!" "M-master." Rose gently put her hands on his shoulders, but he slapped her. The slap was so powerful Rose fell to the ground.

Ririi gasped and held up her hands to her mouth, "Rose!" Tears were threatening to fall out of her eyes, watching the scene in front of her broke her heart. Rose put a hand on her cheek but looked at the man. "Master, i-it couldn't be helped, she was ill. Your procedure did not work because it was flawed! There were too many steps missing in the procedure." The man crazily cackled. "Your right Fear; however, it should have worked. She was supposed to be mine, forever~ it worked on you, why not her? You were the mouse I tested on. You were just a test run. It should have worked if it worked on you. You were just a pathetic girl who had no future or past!" Ririi shivered, no wonder Rose wanted to run away as soon as she got the chance.

"Master I-I don't understand..." The man interrupted Rose by putting his hand forcefully around her neck. "Fear, I made you for the Servamp siblings, I envied them. They were the perfect beings. I made you promise to help those siblings one day. I wasted these test procedures on you, so I would know if they would work on her. I knew she was dying; this was the only way to help her. They worked on you but not her. Because of this, you and those siblings will be punished. The Servamp siblings will never have the luxury to solve their fears. I will keep you here for the rest of your eternity Fear! Never again will you see the light of day!" "M-Master p-please d-don't!" Ririi watched in horror as the man started to choke Rose. His laughter became louder as he watched tears stream down from Rose's eyes. A scream was emitted throughout the room and everything went black but Ririi could still hear the man's laughter.

"Finally, I have finished him." Ririi was now in a dim lighted room. She could faintly see the man, but he was with someone else. A white-haired male stood next to him; however, the white-haired male looked; broken. "Finally, after three years: Ratchet, you are now the perfect weapon. You, my dear boy, will be my weapon. You will destroy the Servamps and everything they love. This is what they deserve for taking away my love." The boy who Ririi found out was named Ratchet nodded in understanding. "Master...Why did you lock up my sister...She did nothing wrong...why did you shatter her contract item and make me your new Servamp?" The creator snarled at the white-haired boy. "I created her to make the Servamp siblings happy, she means nothing to us anymore. Got it boy?" Ratchet froze for a second then nodded again, but he seemed saddened by the news. 'I remember the day, the day he locked me up. It was the same day she died. No food, blood or water could ever clench the starving cravings in my stomach. I watched my master become a monster, in the blink of an eye, he destroyed any remains of a prospering family. '

Ririi looked on the floor and noticed there was, in fact, red shards scattered all on the ground. She held her stomach out of pure sickness. "How could they lock up Rose?!? She was so sweet to that man and this is how she was thanked. He used her for his own sick game." Ririi's tears slid down her freckled cheeks. a second later she was in a new room. Ratchet was hovering over a body. 'Don't look.' An unknown voice said, yet Ririi walked closer to the scene only to see the creator of Rose and Ratchet lying on the floor, dead. 'Don't think of me as a villain Ririi. I had to do this!' The unknown voice announced. A pool of blood was under the creator's body, a knife was embedded in his stomach. Ratchet growled, "How could she leave. He killed himself." Ratchet slammed his fist on the floor annoyed.

"She took the plans and threatened that she would give them to that C3 thing. you killed yourself after she ran off, hoping no one would find out. I-I knew she was angry, but I didn't think she was this angry. You locked her up, even though she was only trying to help you. You didn't give her a single pint of blood to drink. She was getting sick! Even though she ran away to keep herself safe I can't forgive her. She-" Ratchet got out of his crouching position then glared in Ririi's direction, "Fear will pay for running away and taking the plans. She took away our family, she's the reason we fell apart. her Love for those siblings made her weak!" The unknown voice pleaded 'Please Ririi, I did this for the better. He was going to destroy the Servamps. He would have destroyed everything in his path.' Rose Vines surrounded Ririi. The vines curled around Ririi's eyes to block her vision. 'master's blood was once red but tainted with black, his soul became evil and so it had to end. I don't want you to think of me as a villain so whatever you do, DON'T LOOK!'

Ririi gasped out of breath. Waking up in a pool of sweat why her tank top's strap fell off her shoulder. She looked around trying to find someone to confide in, but everything was different. She was not in Misono's living room anymore, this place was new. Ririi looked around the room finding the decor pretty and pink. Magic cards and mystery boxes filled the room. Ririi, however, did not care about that right now, one question filled her mind up to the brim, 'Where was Rose?' Ririi whimpered to herself why looking around. "how did I even get here?"

Walking around the room Ririi examined everything. This was a man's room she could tell; a slight aroma of cologne emitted the room. Out of the corner of her eye, she could have sworn something moved. When she turned around nothing was there except for a doll. "Strange, this wasn't here before?" Ririi picked the doll up off the ground to examine it. The doll was adorable, it looked like a tiny magician. He had on a strange white outfit, along with a tiny top hat. His cute pink hair was put back in an adorable ponytail. "Well one thing is for sure, your owner kept you well-groomed." "Why thank you~ I like to moisturize to keep myself looking well!" Ririi froze "D-Did this doll just talk?" "Indeed, I did, I am Belkia the great! Welcome to my room little human! why Tsu-Tsu is with your Servamp you will stay in here. I will keep a close eye on you."

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