Chapter Three: The Wicked Reign of the Tyrant Snow White- Part One

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       By now Caitlyn had been traveling for a few hours and barely seen a living person,just cute woodland creatures like the ones she had seen in those Disney movies she would watch when she was a little girl. Occasionally she'll come across a stream or a pond. She was wary but dehydration overcame her so she took a drink.

Luckily after several hours of traveling in the same direction with no food or water, Caitlyn found the outskirts of a mine or several mines. That's when she did finally find someone. It was a dwarf like from Snow White,but instead of being cute and adorable,this one had a flithy beard,raccoon eyes and ripped,dirty clothing. The dwarf has using a pick axe to remove a huge sparkling, blue gemstone. There seemed to be several people-dwarves in the same condition-miserable and tired.

He doesn't look like the dwarves in the movie, Caitlyn thought as she watched from behind a large oak tree. This one seems older and if you wash away the dirt, a bit cute. No, wait! Focus Caitlyn! You're on a mission to get home. Maybe I'm in an alternative universe of fairytales? Caitlyn had grew up being told these stories and now, she felt they were all a lie! Caitlyn continued to watch the dwarf from afar to see she could get a clue or some clues about she was.

He seemed overworked and exhausted, Caitlyn thought. Maybe he's been working a late shift? The dwarf saw Caitlyn and she ducked. Not because he saw her but a mean and scary looking man in a dark red and gold uniform marched toward the dwarf. The man had on a fancy looking outfit so she had to guess he was an official or a palace guard. He was holding a large whip. Was he going to whip me because I shouldn't be here?
Caitlyn ducked behind a tree. She didn't want to be seen until she know what was going on. She also didn't want to get whipped or punished incase she was trespassing on private property. Luckily, the guard wasn't paying attention to her and his attention was more focused on the overworked dwarf.

"You!What are you staring at?"the guard said."Nothing"the dwarf said,even though he saw Caitlyn."Then get back to work!" The guard then whipped the small dwarf before leaving. Some where a bell rang! "You dwarfs get a 30 minute break before the next shift." The dwarf checked to see if Caitlyn was gone. He seemed satisfied that whatever he saw was gone and went with the others.

Caitlyn moved the tree and said"Excuse me, Mr.Dwarf?" The dwarf spun around and said,"Who are you?" He asked,looking around to see if there was any of the guards were there. Luckily, they were else where. "I'm sorry,but I'm lost and don't know where I am" Caitlyn stepped out behind the tree so the dwarf could properly see her. His eyes widen but somehow understood. Little did Caitlyn know but the dwarf had been waiting for this particular day for a long time.

"Come on. Luckily it's break time so we can have some time to talk," The dwarf pulled Caitlyn to a neighborhood of poorly built homes. He lead her to one of the bigger houses at the end of the street.

He trusts me, right off the bat? Strange, Caitlyn thought as she neared the house.
She didn't realize at the time, but Caitlyn was looking at the house of the famous Seven Dwarves! But it looked nothing like the illustrations from fairytales in books. Instead of a cheery,pleasant house with a mill and garden,there was a house looking it had seen better days and a small river by the house seemed dried up. The garden was overgrown and full of dead flowers.

 The garden was overgrown and full of dead flowers

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It was nothing like Caitlyn imagined. And it certainly wasn't like any of the pictures from the book tales.

The door which was chipped and decayed was off its hinges like someone broke in. Once again everything she read was a lie. The furniture was like the door-chipped,decayed,and on its backside.The area seemed abandoned and raided. Many of the walls had chipping paint and the floors creaked with pain.

"Sorry about the mess. Don't really have to the time. We don't expect company when you leave in these parts."The dwarf turned up the table headed to the"kitchen" area(if you could call it that) "No problem", Caitlyn lied,up righting two chairs. "It has character." The house looked like it had gone through an apocalypse but Caitlyn was trying to be polite.While the dwarf made some tea,Caitlyn looked around.

By the over turned sofa,there was a photo in a frame covered in broken glass. Caitlyn was curious and walked over to get a better look. There was the house in the background and in the middle was a teenager or young adult. She had black hair in a bob,flawless vanilla skin with apple blush cheeks and ruby red lips that was half way through a laugh. Caitlyn knew she was looking at the famous Snow White. Around her was the seven dwarves, well there weren't really dwarves. Yes, they are shorter than the girl but they looked like they were the same age. On Snow's left, she could her dwarf looking a bit grumpy but had a small smile.

"What happened here? The stories I read told me that you all lived happily ever after," Caitlyn wondered out aloud. Fairytales were her childhood and her new surroundings made her feel she was a army invaded village,not a land of fairytales for children. "Kid,I'm guessing you're new here," The dwarf said looking at the photo on the floor before heading back to the table."Let's just say I'm not from here or its surrounding areas." Caitlyn explained,taking a seat at the rotting table.

Did a world without magic exist to them in this world? Was my world fairytales to them like their world is fairytales to me and people back to home? Should I trust him? Should I tell him the truth?

The dwarf raised a eyebrow,but pushed a mug of tea toward Caitlyn. "Thank you...umm what's your name? I don't want to call you dwarf. You were not exactly what I expected." She asked taking a sip out of her mug. It tasted like vanilla,cinnamon and peppermint. It tasted like something from her childhood. Maybe I could get the recipe from him before I go home?

"Graham" he mumbled,drinking his tea. "Graham. That's a nice name. I'm Caitlyn," she said, trying to make conversation. What do you say to a dwarf? The weather? The stock market? Did they even have a stock market in this world? Could she ask about politics? Did they even know what politics were? Caitlyn wasn't good at small talk- she mainly kept to herself and didn't have many friends in Glen Cove or Los Angeles.

"Caitlyn,I'm guessing you aren't from here or even from this world,"Graham said,looking at her. Caitlyn wanted to say that's crazy but decided if she told the truth,she get a better understanding of where she was. Besides, honesty is the best policy and she didn't have enough info on this place to come up with a believable backstory.

Caitlyn looked down and said"How do you know.""Ah. So it does exist,""Graham said,taking a drink. He muttered,"Man,I own Doc a gold coin.Well,Caitlyn I'm get you up to speed with the history around here and the reign of the tyrant queen started.""Wait"Caitlyn started." You mean the evil queen? I thought she was dead." Graham signed." No not her. Snow White"he said and pointed behind Caitlyn.

[Cliff Hanger: What's Graham pointing out and why did Graham say Snow White was a tyrant. All these questions along with how Graham knows of the non-magical world will be answered in the next chapter. Keep reading to find-YTReader19

From the future of 2019: I finally managed to upboot some of the chapters. I will post the second part later today as I will be away from my phone next week! Hope you guys enjoy and don't forget; keep reading!

2.4.20 Update: Man, 1:30 in the morning is the best time to update Wattpad. I hope you guys are enjoying and tell me what you think. Love YTReader19 📕📚📕📚❤️💖💖💜💙🖤

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