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Sometimes, you have to make the best of it,

Sometimes, you have to know your limits and where you stand with someone,

You don't want to ruin something so damn important to you, 

or do you?

Because I sure hell don't.

I don't want to make a huge mistake on telling someone how I feel,

I don't care how much it hurts me,

I won't say it.

I don't want to ruin what I had with them,

I can't lose them as a friend knowing that if I say the words to them,

They'll just walk away,

Would never talk to me,

Won't even look at me with the beautiful eyes of theirs.

So somethings are better left unsaid,

and its best if you kept it that way,

and if you do tell them,

keep your head high and expectations low.

Dreaming Is Believing(Poems,Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now