Too Good

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I don't know what's good for me,

It's not that easy, 

I'm sorry, 

but you should know this.

I've told you things,

It wasn't like I told you this for nothing,

I just thought because I've told you what I told you, you would understand.

I know you knowing my favorite color, my favorite season,and etc.

Didn't mean much,but then I told you what I thought,

Oh, that was the worst,

because slowly you crept into my mind.

I felt so refind like I couldn't get behind because you didn't tell me things as much as I told you.

All I'm saying is that I'm sorry,

I'm sorry that I'm becoming jealous,

making a big deal out of nothing,

it's just I don't want to lose you,

after all you're the one who helped me get through.

I'm just going to get over it.

Yes, get over it and just keep my distance,

I don't want to make something out of something it's not.

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