"My shirt..." She urged reaching back towards the stone faced man that had come to his feet stare challengingly down at the redhead.

Severus turned his eyes at her movement, though he kept the corner of his watchful eye on the fuming boy, he slipped his wand from his sleeve and drew it down the seam of her shirt pulling it together once again. The very instant he finished Hermione pushed herself up sitting behind his the wall he had created from his stance.

Minerva came around with a badly concealed smirk at the corner of her lips and nodded her head to Snape. He glared at her in return knowing full well the witch could have easily announced their presence.

Hermione resisted the urge to wrap her arms around Severus' leg as the two boys shuffled a touch closer. She settled for holding tightly to his pant leg as she watched Harry bend down to be level with her.

"We didn't mean to scare you," His voice was gentle, a kind smile lighting up his green eyes, actively ignoring the professor. "It's Harry and Ron," He motioned to himself and Ron who stood like a statue still glaring at the man she clung to. "We heard, that you wanted to see us." He stood cautiously looking a bit nervous.

"Yes...I...I uh, I did." She gave him a nervous smile in turn but didn't release her hold.

Minerva smiled and shifted a chair over, quickly elongating it so that it would fit two. She didn't dare touch Snape's chair as she came around the back of it. She motioned for the boys to sit sending a sharp glare to Ron who was snapped out of his staring contest from the sharp tug to his arm from Harry.

Severus watched them sit before looking down at Hermione. He didn't need their connection to know what was painted so clearly on her face. He tugged lightly on his pant leg before flicking his chin. She shook her head a little before scooting further down the lounge. Severus let out a heavy sigh through his nose as he moved to sit between her and her friends.

Minerva watched the exchange with extreme interest not just from the scene they had walked in on but the way Hermione seemed unable to separate herself from Severus. Harry watched their dynamic with the same interest, it was unsettling to see his best friend find her comfort in someone else. Though, at the same time, he was also relieved that she was able to find comfort at all; knowing what he knew now about the creature inside her. Harry shifted a bit pulling out a small shrunken photo album.

"I uh, brought some pictures you may enjoy...I know Ron and I would be happy to share the story behind them." His eyes flicked to Snape seeking his permission, after last time, he took no chances with the still very dangerous wizard.

Snape nodded his head pulling the small table between them. He shifted a bit closer so that the woman would join them. Hermione moved hesitantly closer, her eyes flicked to Ron before down at the resized book on the table. Harry pulled his hands back smiling gently.

"Go ahead." He kept his movements slow and controlled, she was like a rabbit, that at tiniest shift would go running off. He looked to Ron who was doing an admirable job of restraining himself from reaching out to touch her.

Hermione opened the book slowly. Her eyes took in the front page and she couldn't help but smile at the small decorations surrounding a much younger image of her waving both hands at the camera man before smiling so brightly. She tilted her head to read the writing beneath.

To my best friend and her two friends who saved the world- Love, Ginny

The name brushed against her mind but she didn't focus on it. She could tell the book was made with meticulous love and that was enough for her right now. She turned to the next page with care, Harry and Ron each had their own page. Similar decorations adorning their pictures.

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