"Are you sure he's okay? I mean he said he would be back an hour ago! What if he's in trouble? What if he got lost and can't get back? What if he ran into someone with those magic gun thingys? What if h—!"

"Tony! Stop worrying! I'm sure he's fine! He's Spider-Man! Just turn on the news. See if there's anything about him on there. They're always recording when theres a superhero around." Steve tried calming him down.

"Okay, fine." He walked to the TV and turned it on to the news channel they always watch. There was nothing about Spider-Man.

"GUYS!" Clint barged into the room and passed the video he was watching on his tablet, onto the TV.

"Oh my god! That's Spider-Man!" Some people fangirled. "I really wanna know who he is under the mask!"  They watched Spider-Man. Someone came up behind him and knocked him out. "OH MY GOD!" He got carried away into a helicopter. "OH MY GOD. THAT GUY JUST KIDNAPPED SPIDER-MAN!"

Tony's eyes widened. "How'd you find this video?"

"Y'know I was doing my nightly social media check when people kept commenting about Spider-Man getting kidnapped. At first I thought it was fake so I didn't watch it. But people kept commenting and commenting so I went to your social media account and saw they were also commenting it. I decided to check it out so I did." Clint explained.

"Sir. There's a video call on the line for you? Should I put it through?"The AI system called.

"NO! We're busy!"

"But Sir. It's from an unknown number. The first digits are 49372. I searched and the only numbers on record that start with that are HYDRA numbers."

Tony turned to Steve. "Well, why didn't you say that?! Put it through!"

The video call went onto the TV.

"Anthony Stark, Steven Rogers and Clinton Barton, shall I introduce you to my two friends?"

"Where is he?" Tony growled.

"Where is who? Where is Peter Parker?" The camera turned to Peter, still in his Spider-Man costume but the mask was ripped off. He was sitting in a cell, hugging himself. "Or did you mean James Barnes?" The camera turned once again, this time to Bucky. He was in some sort of electrical chair, getting his mind wiped again. Besides the Avengers and the man talking, the only other sound to be heard were Bucky's screams.

"Oh my god..." Steve turned around, not being able to handle seeing his son like figure and his best friend hurt.

"Poor Stevie can't handle seeing his good friends Bucky and Pete hurt can he?"

Tony, trying to be secretive, crossed his arms and tried to track the call on his smart watch.

"Anthony. Don't even try. If you try to tack this call, it'll lead you to your immediate death. Just soak in that feeling. Losing your son. We have to go. Gotta go train someone to be an assassin with the help of good ol' Bucky." The call ended.

Tony growled. "We have to get him back no matter what. He's my son and I can't let him go!"

"Well, technically he's not your son... But yeah! We have to get him back!" Clint yelled.

* * *

A press conference was being held at the lobby of the Avengers Tower. Just catching up on things that had happened.

"Mr. Stark!" A reporter called.

Tony turned to the reporter. "Yes?"

"How do you respond to Spider-Man getting kidnapped? You said you'd keep him safe didn't you?"

Tony's face paled.

"We're working on getting him back. Yes, I did say I'd keep him safe, and we will. Once we get him back. How would you feel if your son got kidnapped even after you promised you'd keep him safe?"

"So you think of Spider-Man as your son?" The reporter asked

"Yes, of course. I think of the whole Avengers as my family. He's a teenager and I think of him as my son."

"So, you purposefully put a teenagers life in danger? You said yourself that he's a teenager and that you picked him to join the Avengers."

Tony didn't know what to say.

Steve was about to walk up there to say something but Thor got there first. He slightly pushed Tony away and stood at all the microphones.

"Like Stark said, how would you feel if you lost your son? Would you feel like you purposefully put him in danger if he got kidnapped. If you were the one to have him, would you want the blame on you? I, on the other hand, think of Spider-Man as a nephew or a brother, not a son. I have a brother. He's mischievous. Always has been, probably always will be. That's the thing about young boys. They do what they want. We couldn't have known he was going to get kidnapped. Unless you can tell the future, you can't purposefully put someone's life in danger if you don't realize your putting their life in danger. Spider-Man was Spider-Man before the Avengers. I was Thor before. Iron Man was Iron Man. Captain America was Captain America. Spider-Man may have been our newest recruit but he knew whaat he was getting into when he decided to be Spider-Man. You can't blame this on Stark because he's like his father. Because he's the one who recruited him. There is no one to blame except the person that kidnapped him. We are trying to get him back. We will get him back."

No one said a word. They all just stared at Thor. "No other questions? Great! This press conference is over." He walked off. Probably to eat some pop tarts after that big speech.

* * *

"Uncle Thor..." Peter whispered as he tried not to cry while watching the TV. He watched the whole press conference.

The camera panned to the other Avengers.

"Steve..." He heard from right next to him. They put the TV in Peter's cell so he could entertain himself as much as he could before he turned into a brain mushed assassin. Bucky was in the cell next to him.

"You know him?" He paused the TV and pointed at Steve.

"That's Steve." He whispered.

Peter suddenly brightened up. He might actually have a chance to get out of here with Bucky's help.

"I'm Peter. You probably already knew that, but. I was an Avenger. I knew Steve. He said he loved you when I asked about you."

"He loves me?" Something changed in Bucky's eyes. They didn't look dead and black like before. They had some hope in them now.

Bucky had hope to get back to Steve.

Peter had hope to get back to his family and never let go again.

Both Bucky and Peter were gonna get back.

Day 1: Spark lit in Bucky.

* * *


word count: 1593, without this a/n

like i said, im staying up til around 2 am so be prepared for maybe another update XD

Save Meजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें