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It's the age old problem... Luke girls. Given the fact that I'm a Muke girl, this sometimes can hit pretty close to home. If Luke is your favorite, a lot of people generalize you as stuck up, self centered, someone who puts themselves before others, and fake. In reality though, there isn't actually a lot of us like that.

Also when people say Luke girls ONLY think about him and everyone else in the band is invisible. We love all of them, so is it just up to us to say "Ya sorry I like how awkward and lanky Luke is." It shouldn't be. Yes, some girls do on;y notice him. They also stick out like cat in a dog kennel. But why classify all of us like that? It makes every Luke girl feel horrible because of the things some people say.


There was a girl at my old school. Let's call her 2. You see, me and 2 were friends and that's when I started liking 5sos. I had already been listening to grungy, rocky kind of music a while before I even knew what 5sos was. Anyways, one day I had 2 listen to the Somewhere New EP and she wasn't effected at all. She had said something along the lines of it not being her kind of music. 2 was the kind of girl that would settle for anything pop-y and she would be fine. Another day I had shown her a picture of 5sos and she was saying how unbelievably hot they are and she started getting pictures of them on her phone. She downloaded some songs but I never saw her listening to them. I could tell she had acquired a taste for a certain penguin boy and I had too before when I had shown her them. I noticed she started wearing band merch a lot more. But this was the kind of stuff Luke would listen to. 2 always would tell me how crappy my music is and that it's not even music so I was lost. Then all she would talk about is Luke this and Luke that and tweet random parts of songs and post more stuff on instagram about bands but when I asked her to name a few of their songs and she went blank. She should've known that if she had known ANYTHING about them. I had later found out she didn't know anything about the boys and she didn't listen to any of the bands she supposedly "loved."

The point: Luke girls aren't fake, those thirsty hoe's are.

Lukerantover. Sorryitsalittlelargebutthisallhastobesaidinorderformetokeepmysanity.

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