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I ignored it and tried getting into the car until...


Until a pair of arms grabbed onto my waist pulling me back from Shawn's car.

"Shawn help me" I said reaching out for him.

Shawn Mendes

I saw Ariana getting pulled away from my car. The way she was reaching out for me started to hurt me. Anger and fear built over me. I ran out of my car and tried to grab her away from Pete. He was the same height as me so I could take him. I swung my fist at him making him drop Ariana. She ran to the car and closed the door looking at was happening in fear with tears running down her face. Pete punched me right in the eye but I got him back by punching him right in the fucking nose. I ran back to my car hearing Pete say "I'll get you back Mendes" he said holding his bloody nose. I pumped the gas and drove us to my house.

Moments later
We got to my house and I took Ariana's suitcase and lead her into my house. I set down the suitcase and heard a thud sound, I looked back to see Ariana fall to the ground crying. I quickly got down and sat next to her bringing her into a big hug. Her face was on my chest with tears staining my shirt but I could care less. I caressed her gently and sang her a little song that my mom used to sing to me when I cried. I felt Ariana to begin to calm down and sink into the hug.

"Shhhh It's okay now, you're okay" I said in a soft tone to her. She looks up at me and smiles weakly. I take off her boots and set them aside. I pick her up and wrapped her legs around my waist. I take her upstairs to my room and lay her gently on my bed. I made my way to the door to get her suitcase and bring it up.

"Wait, please just lay here with me" she said reaching out for me, like she really did need me.

"Ariana I'm just going to get your suitcase" I said smiling, she loosened up and nodded. I quickly grabbed the suitcase and made it quickly back upstairs. I set the suitcase in my closet and got on the bed with Ariana. She turned to me pulled me closer to her.

"I need you in my life Shawn" she said softly drifting off to sleep. My heart started beating fast, I'm developing very strong feelings for Ariana... Ariana Grande. I began to doze off also and soon to be like Ariana, sleeping.

The next morning
The sun shined on my face making me groan, I went to go close the blinds but I felt something grab my shirt tighter. I looked down and it was Ariana still sleeping. I smiled, this poor girl who knows what Pete did to her behind closed doors. I placed my hand gently on her hip but she flinched and winced in pain. Though she is still asleep. I slowly moved her sweatshirt upwards, but then I realized she only had a thong on. Calm down Mendes, I then saw a huge bruise on her hip, it was black and blue. How the hell.....? I then moved her a little bit to get a good look at her inner thigh and another bruise? What did he do to her? I observed the bruises, not noticing she woke up and was looking at me.

"Shawn what are you doing" she said in soft voice. I frantically sat up and rubbed the back of my neck.

"N-nothing" I said. She smiled at me and placed her hand on my chest.

"I know you saw the bruises, it was from three days ago" she said sitting up facing me. She shivered and tears began to fall. It hurts me seeing her cry. I brought her into my lap and caressed her.

"I hate him, I hate him, I hate him" she said crying into my shoulder. She was shaking, my poor Ariana, wait did I just say that, Shawn you have feelings for her just confess them. It's not the right time though. We stayed in this position until she got up and kissed my cheek.

"I'm going to change okay" she said wiping off the tears she has, I nodded softly. She went over to get her suitcase and picked out something to wear. She grabbed an oversized Reebok navy and beige jacket and paired it with her thigh high boots. She slipped off her Saint Laurent sweatshirt and placed it on her suitcase. I tried so hard not to look but I just gave in with a small peek. I was stunned by her body. Her skin tone was a beautiful caramel color, her tiny waist, perfect sized breasts and a perfect sized butt. She was just perfect. She got dressed and slipped on her boots, she looks up and notices me starring at her. She walks up to me and smiles.

"I know that you were peeking" she said softly. I began to blush bright red. She giggled, I think this is the time to tell her.

"Hey Ariana can I tell you something that I always had to say even before you were with Pete" I asked her softly. She nodded.

"I've always had a huge crush on you and when you got engaged I knew was over for me but then this all happened and you're not with him anymore" I said trying not to sound as nervous. She looked at me shocked from my words of confession.

"And every time we got to see each other was only at awards or it was at the Met Gala" I said holding her small hand in mine. I looked down at our intertwined fingers.

"Hehe when I saw you at the Met Gala, you looked beautiful with that dress you're absolutely stunning" I said looking up at her seeing tears streaming down her small cute cheeks. I placed my hand on her cheek and swiped the tear away with my thumb.

"Shawn" she said softly

"When I hugged you when I came off the stage a bliss of happiness came over me but then noticed it was the only time I would get to touch you" I said softly not wanting to cry myself. She hugged me tightly and I returned the hug hearing her soft sniffles.

"I love you Shawn" she said in small sobs. My eyes went wide but then hugged her tighter.

"I love you too Ariana" I said feeling a small tear run down my cheek.

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