Chapter 1: A New World

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(RWBY will take place after the breach in volume 2 The next day, and the intro for the story is up top "Remember VIDEOS and PICTURES do not belong to me they belong to their rightful owners.)

Ruby pov
Location: Vale, Beacon Academy

After what happened yesterday with the breach with Grimm pouring out of it we finally beat them back, sealed up the hole, and Roman Torchwick in custody by Atlas, me and my team were relaxing in our dorm, me and Yang were playing Kung-Fu slayer ultimate death battle 2, Blake was reading her book but I'm curious what's underneath her pillow that she keeps with her at all times I'll have to snatch it from her sometime later today, and Weiss was polishing her nails. The schools intercom came on and Professor Goodwitch spoke through it "will team RWBY and JNPR please come to Professor Ozpin office" we stopped what we were doing, took our weapons, and left.

Blake: "so what do you think Ozpin wants us and JNPR for anyway?"

Ruby: "maybe were going on another mission this is so exciting!" ruby says in a cheerful tone.

Weiss: "you dolt Ozpin wouldn't send us on another mission like what happened yesterday"

Yang: "well whatever it is let's hope we can kick more Grimm butts along the way"

While we talked we made to the elevator and on the way up the elevator doors open we saw team JNPR, Professor Goodwitch, and Ozpin sitting at his desk sipping on his coffee.

Ozpin: "Ah team RWBY we've been waiting for you" he said while taking more sips of his coffee.

Ruby: "sorry Professor Ozpin so what did you need us for is it another mission!" She said that in excitement while Weiss smacked the back of her head.

Ozpin: chuckles to himself "something like that miss rose" he opens up a map for the teams to see "I need both you and JNPR to go to the Emerald Forest we have picked up a strange readings of some sort of energy here" points at the map which is deep in the Emerald Forest "your mission is to find the source, bring back whatever you find, and bring it to me so we can know what it is" he says that, stands up, and goes towards the window "both of you will be a taking a bullhead over there and your mission starts immediately"

Ruby: "we won't let you down ozpin, alright teams let's go" raising her fist in air.


3rd person

They left the office straight to the bullhead waiting for them, as soon they got on they left and back at Ozpins office he was staring out the window watching the sun go down, sipping more of his coffee and watching the bullheads leave, ozpin couldn't get that feeling out of him as if something bad or..... something far more worse than Grimm is about to happen so he hope's and pray for the team's to come back safely from their mission.

Ruby POV
Location: Flying over Emerald Forest

Me, my team, and JNPR were talking throughout the trip to the destination also preparing for anything we might encounter, deep in the Emerald Forest it will be more dangerous I've heard stories about 12 huntsmen and huntresses went to go scout into the deep parts of the forest only for them to vanish without a trace, 2 weeks later only one huntress came back and rumors were spreading like wild fire saying the woman came back completely changed as if she went through hell literally and when she was asked what happened to the others she only had the look of horror on her face before saying "Grimms aren't the only thing we should worry about in this world" and that was two months ago. I was thinking more of that story until my sister Yang shook me out of my thoughts.

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