Chapter One

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Spencer Hastings directed the movers towards all of her boxes. She was leaving tomorrow, and she wanted her belongings to be at Rosewood as soon as possible so that she could start to look for a place immediately. Even though she was excited to stay with her family after the long time, she still knew how they were. "Careful with that!" She yelled frantically. She hadn't been completely ready for all of this. College really taught her some lessons. However it also made her a little bit slower- and more cautious. She had also completely forgotten the movers were coming do to a wild graduation party the night before. She had already downed three cups of coffee and still had a horrible headache. When the movers rang her doorbell this morning, she found herself on the floor in her guest bedroom. However, she wasn't completely freaked out until she saw the complete stranger on the bed-passed out and actually extremely attractive. On top of the naked stranger, movers, and massive hangover, she was still a little shaken up from how her-now- ex-boyfriend took the news when she told him it was over. He had basically cried and begged for her not to go, and, if it had been somebody she really loved, maybe she would have stayed. However, Christian wasn't really the type of guy she was supposed to be with. He was more of a... temporary replacement. When the last worker exited the house, she walked over to the kitchen counter and hopped on top of it to sit. Spencer just sat and thought about how much her life had changed through these five years. One minute, she was valedictorian of her school, being blackmailed by a relentless stalker, best friends with four of her favorite people in the world, and dating the sweet, caring guy with a solid lifestyle. Now she was just another girl attending a high-ranked college with a solid 4.0, having an average social life, and dating some preppy loser that had a life that depended on his trust fund. California had taken a toll on her. She couldn't wait to go back home and see all the familiar faces of Rosewood. She had just received an invitation to Aria, her best friends's wedding. Apparently, when Spencer left, Aria had taken her advice and gotten back together with Ezra, who, at the time their relationship started, was her English teacher. That is what Spencer was most excited about- seeing her friends. Hopefully they all still lived around the same area. She knew that Emily had ended up going to Danby, which was only a thirty minute flight from Pennsylvania. Aria and Ezra's wedding invitation had said that the venue was in New York. She wanted to believe that Aria did move out of Rosewood, just to keep from the questions about their relationship, but, if Aria stayed, it would have just meant that she would be the person to stand out- as she usually was. Spencer hadn't heard from or about Hanna, though. After her mom finally got remarried to a priest and moved to a more 'wholesome' country community, Hanna spent most of her time enjoying life- not stressing about anything. Then, there was Ali. Spencer and her hadn't completely ever gotten that close after her re-appearance. Alison stayed in Rosewood- finished High school, and Spencer really didn't follow much after that. Spencer couldn't wait to go there. She couldn't wait to, well, to experience Rosewood again. Part of her was even excited to see Melissa. After all the murder investigations calmed down, Melissa began to get along with Spencer. She stopped running away for no reason and blaming Spencer for all her problems. Spencer was just... excited to be in Rosewood.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 10, 2014 ⏰

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