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They say that every person has a partner in life. Some people make it a point to travel around the world in search of this one person. They spend so many years searching and searching, not even knowing if they are close or not. The funny thing about it is- if they are meant for you, they will come to you, and never walk away. Will there be tough times- yes. Will there be certain instances when you take a little brake- possibly. However, at the end of the day, some people are just meant for each other. But, there isn't a real way to absolutely know, is there? Once you find the person, you can only put your relationship through so many tests and compare it to so many other things before you finally realize- it's so right, or it's so wrong. So many twists and turns that it finally straightens out and becomes clear. When the clarity comes, it sure is a wild ride. The question is- are you going to buckle in and stay for it, or will you opt out and leave your partner strapped in for a downwards spiral? Will you take your partner's hand and lead them or just be with them through the whole thing, or will you coward behind and wait for the other to endure the pain? Toby Cavanaugh would be there. When all else failed, and Spencer Hastings felt like she had absolutely nothing- Toby would grab her hand and help her up. Through everything that the two had been through, you would have thought that they would have been long gone and on different paths-still in the depths themselves. However, they held on, that couple. They were one of the strongest- their bond seemed to be unbreakable. Had it been tested? Of course! More than any relationship should have been. You would think that it would be over- 'they got their torture over in the fall and winter." Oh, but how you were wrong. They would be getting a lot more tests. And, most of them would be pretty bad. They would power through it though. The couple always found a way.

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