Chapter Three

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"Come on kid, open your eyes. I asked if you were ready to meet the team?"

"Oh, yeah I am." Steve was behind her pushing the chair and Mr. Stark was walking just slightly ahead of her.

"Alright Lou, this is your chance to ask questions before you meet everyone." Steve said. "They won't hurt you, but they can be a rather . . . . intimidating group."

"Oh, ok, well, uh, how many of you are there I guess?"

"9." Tony said, not looking back at Louisa.

"Tony, there's ten." Steve bit back.

"Oh, does the murderer count now?"

"Please Tony, not now." Louisa noticed the nervous look back he shot at her. She wanted to ask who the murderer was, but felt that maybe this wasn't the right time. Again, she took this as a good sign. She was actually able to stop herself from blurting out tasteless things. The drugs were definitely wearing off.

An uncomfortable silence ensued until Louisa couldn't stand it any longer. "Mr. Stark, who's Fury?"

"He's the guy who brought us all together. He's the director so to speak, and likes to be addressed as such." Mr. Stark's mood seemed to have taken a drastic dip.

They passed through a long grey hallway with multiple doors until they reached an elevator. Mr. Stark pressed the up button and they waited. This time it seemed it was Steve who grew uncomfortable as he broke the silence.

"So, Lou, you do know that you'll have to stay here with us for awhile?"


"Well, you can put in some requests for your room if you want."


"Yeah, of course."

The elevator bell rung and the doors opened. Louisa gasped. The elevator was glass and below them was a giant common area. Steve wheeled her in and she leaned forward in her seat.

"What is this place?" She asked, astounded.

"She likes it." Mr. Stark chuckled. "I designed it myself."

Louisa couldn't believe it. Mr. Stark really was a genius. "Wow! How long did it take?"

"A few years. We had to work out some kinks."

Steve snorted.

"Ok, ok, admittedly, there were more than a few kinks."

"Yeah, because you wanted a sauna and a hot tub on every floor." Steve remarked.

"That would've been awesome." Louisa fawned.

"Wish I had you around to help convince Fury of that."

By then the elevator had passed the common area and up a few floors. Finally the elevator stopped and a mechanical female voice sounded.

"Private conference rooms 145 to 237."

Steve once again pushed her out of the elevator, Mr. Stark still walking slightly ahead. The three of them moved down a long hallway to the left, passing what Louisa assumed were other conference rooms until they reached the very end of the hall and a final door.

Mr. Stark stopped at the door. "Steve, wait." He bent down to look Louisa dead in the eyes and she stared straight back. "These are the people you're going to be dealing with for the rest of your childhood. Knock em dead."

"They're going to love you, don't worry." Steve reassured, from behind. Mr. Stark gave Louisa's shoulder a shake, stood, turned the knob and opened the door.

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