Chapter 29

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"This isn't our great idea, Butch." Boomer said as he snapped his fingers.

"When have our ideas ever been good!" Butch exclaimed.

"I gotta agree with Boomer, this isn't smart." Brick said with a nod.

"Blossom, you said so yourself! Buttercup needs our help." Butch said with his eyebrow raised.

"I did, but, Butch, this is dangerous. That's a court room!" Blossom said.

"So you're saying that we can destroy stuff?" Boomer asked as he hop up and down.

"Did you seriously hear that from my mouth?" Blossom asked, completely shocked.

"Too late! Boomer already put on his goggles and Butch put on his sweatbands!" Brick said with a smirk.

"Are you guys even listening to me?!" Blossom exclaimed.

"Yahoo!" Butch yelled as he pushed on his wheels.

Bubbles and Blossom looked at each other again before running forward. Bubbles grabbed Boomer and Brick's shirts while Blossom grabbed Butch's wheelchair. The boys started to let out curse words as the girls shook their head. Blossom pulled back Butch, while trying to think of the best way to say that they can't say anything. 

Blossom huffed, "Guys we need to think things through. Bursting in a court room isn't good nor the best idea you ever had in your entire lifetime."

"Why isn't a good idea to go in? We need to tell Buttercup that she is making a huge mistake!" Butch yelled.

Boomer raised his eyebrow, "I thought we're going to destroy stuff not talking."

Brick patted his brother head. Boomer sighed, obviously upset that he can't destroy anything but didn't say anything. Butch look back and groaned as he leaned back in the wheelchair. He looked up at Blossom who was shaking her head.

Bubbles pressed her lips together and looked at Blossom with her eyebrow raised. She wanted to know what is Blossom's plan because she knows there is no way that they can hold them back forever. Not to mention they promised Buttercup that they will be there for the court date. Bubbles sighed as she shrugged her shoulders.

Blossom shook her head, again, "We can't mess anything up, we need to go in and sit like normal people."

"I can't be normal." Boomer said as he raised his hand.

"Yeah, I agree with Boomer." Brick and Butch said together.

"Too bad!" Bubbles and Blossom yelled together.

The boys sighed, knowing that they can't do anything, but allowed themselves to be dragged in the courtroom. Butch crossed his arms and muttered some words but Blossom slapped the back of his head. He groaned and rubbed the back of his head. All the teens took a seat in the middle with Butch right next to them.

Blossom and Bubbles looked at each other again and grabbed each other hands. They didn't want to lose their best friend, they known each other since they was five but now . . . they know that they could loose her. The girls didn't want their friend to be upset nor do they want her gone. 

Bubbles chewed on her bottom lip, remembering the first day she met Buttercup. They we're five and outside, Bubbles remembers being bullied for having braces. Buttercup kicked a soccer ball to the bully stomach and yelled a curse word. She got in trouble but Bubbles went to her house and gave her a tin of cookies.

She missed everything, she missed when Buttercup would stand up for her. She misses watching Blossom and Buttercup have a eating contest over sweets and Blossom always winning. Bubbles knows that Buttercup will hate not seeing her dad, but she also knows that losing her best friend will be difficult.

Blossom look down at her free hand, she wanted to know is Buttercup really willing to leave them. The first time they met was first grade, Buttercup threw a doge ball and it hit Blossom in the face. Blossom remembers hearing Buttercup freaking out but also laughing. She would've been angry but  she couldn't help but to laugh.

Both girls know that they will miss Buttercup but there is no way that they will make her upset by staying.

"I wanna do something stupid." Boomer whispered to Bubbles.

"No." Bubbles warned.

"Come on! This is boring, we should do something that shake it up."

"Boomer it's almost over with."


"So, we stay. We're right here for support." 

Brick sighed, "Are we allowed to eat in the court room?"

"Seriously?" Blossom asked.

Brick shrugged, he pulled out a bag full of cookies and opened it. Someone in front of them looked back then back towards the front. Brick rolled his eyes as he waved the cookie behind her head. Blossom slapped his wrist, he looked over and widen his eyes before tossing the cookie in his mouth. He moved up to the woman and chewed right next to her ear, Blossom pulled him back.

"That's Buttercup's aunt," Blossom said.

"That aunt made this cookie taste sour." Brick replied.

"You're hopeless."

"You're beautiful."

"Flirting is not helping right now."

"Fine," He said with a smirk. "Want a cookie?"

"What kind?" Boomer and Blossom asked as they leaned over. 

"Chocolate chip." Brick said with another cookie in his mouth.

"Are you guys serious right now?!" Bubbles exclaimed.

"I object!" Butch yelled as threw both of his hands in the air.

"What!" All the teens exclaimed as they looked over, and everyone in the courtroom looked at him.

Butch keep his hands in the air as he looked Buttercup. Her eyes red from the recent saying, she has to stay with her mom and only get to see her dad twice a year. She looked away but Butch kept his hands in the air.

"Excuse me?" The judge asked.

Butch nodded, "I said I object."

"I know you did, but who do you think you are? I already ordered the sentence." 

"I object. I think it's stupid!" Butch yelled as Brick jumped over the girls to grab Butch, he didn't get the chance because Butch rolled forward.

"So, you better listen to me! 'Cause I got something to say." Butch said.

Heyyo Guyys!!!!!!!!

What we thinks??? The teens??? Their reactions??? What will Butch say??? Well tell me your thoughts!!!!!!!!!!!

Wells Byes Loves Y'alls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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