Chapter Twenty Five

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About ten miles away from the frantic ginger was a black car driving towards a condominium complex. From the outside, nothing seemed odd about this car; it was following the speed limit and stopping patiently at all red lights. However, on the inside, it was all but normal.

A middle aged man was calmly driving the car with another man of the same age group in the passenger seat. In the back seats sat two guys who looked to both be in their twenties, with an unconscious teenager at their feet.

"Taka-san, please drive faster" said one from the backseat.

"Patience, we are almost there" the driver says. Everybody goes silent once again, the only sound in the car was from the radio.
Upon arriving to their destination, the older males get out the car first and wait out by the back door where an employee opens the door to them. Few words were exchanged until finally they part ways. The older males give a signal to the two remaining guys in the car before they both head inside, propping the door open with a chair. The guys finally exit the car, one with short blonde hair goes over to the side where his companion with black short hair is at. The two men not so carefully haul Naomi out the car before the blonde one carries her bridal style. They close and lock the car before entering the tall averagely designed building.

Any employee they encountered paid no attention the men. They gazes were filled with disinterest before moving on and completing whatever tasks they had.

The men in black quickly trudged the unconscious teen towards an empty employees elevator and got in where they waited for the "ding" that signlaed their arrival to their destination. A large open space with multiple doors on either sides of the walls met them once the elevator doors opened. The men routinely walked to a door on the far right side and entered where they were greeted by a dark room with very few dimly lit warm lighting lamps located around the room. A few other men were lounging around on various couches and chairs with drinks in their hands. No matter from what angle you were looking at, all the men were surrounding a young man with a burnt and battered face.

"I see you two have returned and brought what I needed. Good job; leave her over there in that corner"

"Yes Ryu-san" the two guys replied simultaneously, walking over to the designated corner and not-so-carefully let go of what became to be the lump of Naomi. Before they left, they turned towards their boss and both caught wads of cash before bowing and leaving the room.

Ryu, what once was a decent looking face, was now harboring scars from burns all across his face and into the left side of his hairline. His once longer, shaggy brown hair was now short and haphazardly cut but what was harmed the most from the burning of his old base was his pride.

The young boss quickly downed his drink before signaling all his men to leave with the exception of two tall, burgly looking men who stationed themselves at the door. Ryu pulled up an elegant looking chair in front of Naomi and sat there, staring at the one  girl who has caused him so much trouble.

Hours passed and the only times Ryu moved from his seat was to get more of his drink. Other than that, he sat silently and patiently at the red head, awaiting her awakening.

It wasn't until the clock read 5:21pm when eyelashes began fluttering and quiet groans echoed in the room. Naomi blinked a few times before being able to sew straight and noticing she was no longer at the bar. She carefully sat up as best as she could and leaned on the wall behind her before taking in her surroundings in better detail and finally noticing the beat up face that sat a few feet away from her. Like a flood, memories from her previous kidnapping rushed at her as she recognized the face in front of her. In that moment of recognition, she felt like the life in her escaped her body, leaving behind a body gasping for air as she began hyperventilating.

"I'm glad I don't have to reintroduce myself. I was scared that the hit you took from a car crashing into your home would make you forget but I see we're both on the same page" Ryu said in a malicious tone. At the mention of accident, Naomi fearfully glanced down at her body and noticed dried up blood topping her skin with a few tears in the same t-shirt and jeans she forced herself to put on that same morning.

Naomi continued to hyperventilate and grabbed at her hair for a few more moments before Ryu spoke up again "now, now Naomi. It'll be okay, you're fine. At least your body isn't covered in scars from flames" Ryu uttered in a fake compassionate voice while he reached forward and grabbed her hands from her head and brought them back to her lap.

"W-what do you--h-how did you- why are you here" Naomi gasped out as she tried to catch her breath and calm herself down.

"You mean how did I survive after your big brother came and incinerated my old base? That's for me to know princess, don't worry about it. All you have to know is that I'm here, and I'm not done with you or HOMRA. And I need to repay your brother for all these new additions to my body" he the began pulling up the sleeves of his black button down shirt, revealing more scars.

Naomi gaped in shock at his body, wondering how in the world he managed to survive the mass fire her brother undoubtedly started. Any human would have burnt to ashes, so seeing him still being to move and talk clearly meant one thing to Naomi; he wasn't completely human. He wasn't just a normal gang boss that wanted a deal with HOMRA. He was more and she feared him and the unknown possibilities he possessed.

"If you want revenge, just get it over with" Naomi's voice came out strained and pained. "I'm tired, I'm hurt and just done. Kill me now, please. I'm so fucking done" she pleaded.

Ryu stared back at her with the slightest of pity before it turned into cruel. "Too bad hun, I'm not letting you or your brother off that easily. I've got things to do and goals to accomplish and quite frankly, you are the answer to my problems and the barrier holding me back from reaching my target. So I gotta play my cards right this time and not hold back like last time" Ryu finally took from his chair and chugged the last bit of his drink down.

"After all, I'm not trying to end up like Haru; nothing but ash on the ground in a dirty area" Ryu said over his back, before opening the door and exiting, his two goonies following him. The door shut and Naomi heard a click, indicating that she was locked in the room. She stared at the door for a few moments before she finally cracked, and began sobbing loudly.

Hi!!! I know I always say this but im so sorry for not updating sooner. Life got weird and complicated and I didn't find any motivation to write but I'm back sort of!!!!
Thank you all so so so so much for commenting and liking this story. It genuinely makes my day and if it wasn't for everybody who reads this story, I would have quit a long time ago. I know these updates are painfully slow but please bear with me, I'm trying to get my shit together :)
As always, let me know what you think of this chapter and overall story. I love you all and thank you so much

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