Chapter Three

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When my watch shows that it's 10 am, I get out of my bed and go down stairs to make it look as if I just woke up.

When I get down stairs, I am surprised to see the room already filled with HOMRA members. I cautiously walk to my usual seat at the bar and look over to Izumo.
"Kusanagi-san, what's up with everyone here so early?"
"Ah, just some trouble on our streets. Nothing too big. Anyways, can you stay here with Tatara and Anna while we all go out?" He asks. I don't really want to stay, I want to go and see what is wrong but I doubt Mikoto would let me out, especially when they're on a mission.
"Yeah, it's fine" I sigh out disappointedly. I wonder when I will finally be allowed to go out. I mean it already has been 4 days.
"Don't sweat it kid, Mikoto will let you out eventually" Izumo reassures me as he takes out a cigarette and patiently waits for what I presume to be Mikoto's orders.
I stand up from my seat and go over to Fushimi. He sits alone at the far end of the bar with an annoyed look on his face and a glass of water in front of him. I take a seat next to him and stare at him through my black framed glasses.
"Tsk, what do you want?" He asks bitterly. I know he isn't usually the most happy person to be around him but he usually isn't this bad. I guess he isn't a morning person.
"Nothing, just staring"I reply casually.
"Well can you cut it out?" He gulps down the rest of his water before standing up and walking away. I shrug before laying my head down on the counter, listening to the chatter of the red clansmen.
Moments later, Mikoto comes down, his foot steps interrupting the noise in the background. Sometimes people's voices become comforting. Just knowing the consistency of these people always talking is slightly comforting in a strange way, especially coming from a person who enjoys peace and solitude more than being in a rowdy crowd.
I keep my head on the counter, buried in my arms when Mikoto comes down. He and Anna walk passed me before he goes to the group and directs them. After a while they all chant their little "no blood, no bone, no ash" before leaving the bar in silence.
I pick my head up, expecting only Tatara and Anna to be there but to my surprise Mikoto is still there. Damn, I wanted to see if I could sneak out while everyone's out.
"Hey Naomi, think you can teach me how to draw now?" Tatara interrupts my thoughts. Mikoto looks up from the couch as Tatara mentions my drawings. I totally forgot he doesn't know I draw a lot.
"Uh yeah" I say a bit awkwardly. I go up stairs and into my room before returning back down stairs with my sketchbook and a few pencils.
Tatara and I sit at the bar as I try to explain to him how to draw a simple rose. I tear him out a sheet from my sketch book and let him try.
"Damn Tatara, you suck" I laugh, looking at the strange shapes on the sheet of paper that are supposed to represent petals.
"Hey that's mean!" He pouts.
"Yeah well it's the truth. If you curve your lines more outwards then it wouldn't look so bad" I continue to give him pointers for about another hour or so until he finally gives up.
"Let's face it Naom's, I'll never be as good as you" he says using my old nickname.
"Yeah no shit, you just started. I've been drawing since I was like 11"
"Really? Huh, I never knew. Did you king?" Tatara asks the lazy red head with his eyes closed on the couch. Mikoto opens his eye briefly before shaking his head 'no' before closing them again.
"Well then why don't you show us some of your drawings since you've been doing it so long?"
"Hell no" I immediately shoot his suggestion down.
"Please?" He begs
"Well I'm sure Anna and Mikoto want to see them just as much as I do. Right?" He says looking at the odd duo on the couch. Anna nods while Mikoto grunts, I'm assuming in agreement.
"Fine" I hesitantly flip back to the beginning of my sketch book and hand it to Tatara who takes it and goes over to Anna and Mikoto.
They flip through the sketch book, Tatara and Anna's face showing nothing but awe while Mikoto just silently glances at them.
"Why don't all of them have colors?" Tatara asks curiously as he looks at drawing of a pot of flowers without color.
"That's cause I only color the ones I really like or think are good enough"
"They're all amazing in my opinion. Woah, look at this one of Anna!" Tatara exclaims as Anna lets out a quiet gasp. It was a drawing of Anna sitting at a table near the window all by herself. It was when I first tried drawing people. I had always wanted to draw her and so when I finally decided I was going to whether it came out good or not, I sat down at a table away from her where I got a good angle and didn't disturb her. After I finished the drawing, I colored it in, using all sorts of shades of red I had for her sake, only using different colors for the scenery outside and table and chair she sat on.
"Yeah, it's actually one of my favorites and one of the first few times I decided to draw someone at HOMRA" Tatara flips through a couple of pages before he finally looks up.
"Wow, you drew Anna, Yata and Izumo without anybody knowing? How? And how come only those three?"
"I have drawn more than those three, you just probably haven't gotten to them or I tore them out and have them somewhere else. Anyways, I haven't drawn everyone yet because when i draw people, it's because I feel something. It's like a feeling that's telling me 'it's now or never'. Like I may not get another chance for the person to have that same expression or for the lighting to be the same. I don't know it's weird. And I manage to not get caught because I normally lurk around out of their sight but still in mine" I explain the best way possible. It really is kind of indescribable but it's just a feeling I get whenever I draw people or certain sceneries.
"Who else have you drawn?" Tatara says, finally putting the sketch book down on the coffee table.
"Uh, Bandou and Shohei together, Eric and Mikoto" I reply. Tatara's eyes light up when he hears the answers "can you show us?"
I nod and go back upstairs to my room. I look through my bookshelf for the folder that holds my absolute favorites. Even though Mikoto is not my favorite person, the drawing of him happens to be one of my top favorites as well as the drawing I've done of sunrises, sunsets and the night sky with the moon and stars shining brightly.
I bring down the folder with loose sheets of paper and scavenge through the papers for the requested ones.
"Here's Eric. I drew him because this to me, was one of the few times he looked accepted and happy. Or at least few times at the moment. This is when he still was pretty new around here.
This is of Bandou and Shohei. I drew them because the lighting was amazing and those two were just talking like normal people. They werent arguing or laughing obnoxiously, just talking as if they came to the bar as old friends trying to catch up. Which I guess they are but they don't always act like it.
And finally, this one if of Mikoto. To be honest I don't know why I drew him since it's just of him sitting at the bar and smoking but I still did anyways" I explain before plopping on a chair and looking at their expressions. Even Mikoto had a surprised look as he examined the drawing of himself and of his clansmen.
"They're...amazing! Why didn't you show us these sooner?" I shrug at Tatara's question, truly not really knowing the answer. It was just instinct to hide everything for me. They continue to look at the rest of my drawings until HOMRA finally arrive back from their mission, with grins and laughter.
"Ah yeah! Fights like that just get me pumped up!" Yata exclaims as throws his fist into the air, the rest of the clansmen, agreeing. I quickly get on my feet, trying to collect the sketch book, pencils and papers before anybody sees it.
"What are you doing Naom's? Show everyone your work!" Tatara says, rather loudly, making me quickly mutter a "no Tatara"
"Ah Naomi-chan. Good to see you around. What are these?" Izumo comes up and takes the sketch book from my hands, causing me to panic.
"Wow these are great! You really are talented huh?" Izumo comments as he flips through the drawings, my face slightly blushing.
"Oh let me see!" Kamamoto exclaims as he comes over to see what the big hype is about.
"Oh you should see these!" Tatara comes over and flips a few pages before stopping at the drawings of the red clansmen.
"Ah! You drew some of us?! So cool!" Kamamoto yells, catching the attention of other red clansmen. They all gather around, trying desperately to catch a glimpse of the drawings. But this isn't the worst of it all: the worst is when the people I drew, actually see the drawing I did of them. Oh god I wanted to hide.
"Talk about talented!"
"Yeah for real!"
"Aw look she drew the little chihuahua"
"Shut the hell up!"
This continues on until Tatara, brings over the drawings of Eric, Shohei and bandou, and Mikoto.
My face heats up as they continue complimenting my work. I swear, by the time I get my papers and sketchbook back, my face is as red as my hair.
"T-thanks" I stutter before almosting running back up the stairs and into my room before finally sighing out loud. I really wasn't expecting to show all those people my drawings, damn you Tatara.

Sorry for the crappy chapter(s)

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