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Part 8

natalie's pov.

I can go days without thinking. I, however, cannot go days without music. I always make sure my phone is in my bag with a pair of earphones or my car was loaded with CDs. It was boring around when my sister was in bed all day from crying all day Saturday because my dad took away her keys. Instead of looking at me with envy, she looked at me with opportunity. As long as I had my keys, she could used the car. Sadly, for now, she was sick with the sniffles and a cough. 

I left the house this morning feeling somewhat empty handed except I knew I had my keys and my phone and my earphones with me. I guess my sister mattered to me after all. I almost laughed.

Parking my car after a short drive without any blabber from the passenger seat was almost heavenly. It was tranquil without her stupid morning talk show on. It was peaceful without her in the driver's seat, putting on her makeup while driving. 

I walked into the cafeteria for breakfast and felt three pairs of eyes on me when I sat down at their table next to Luke. 

"Where's your sister?" was the first thing he said to me that morning. It was the first thing anyone had said to me this morning. It ruined my day.  

"Actually, she's home sick with the sniffles." I shrugged. 

Luke's body sank in his seat and he was silent for the rest of the breakfast. Michael and Calum were still talking about Cal's game on Saturday. Luke and I had almost missed the last winning shot because we were talking so much. 

"You didn't even see the best goal, Nat!" Calum exclaimed, "It was legendary." 

I looked at Michael for confirmation and he just nodded to keep Calum's happiness up. 

"If it helps, I was there to see you play." I added. 

"Yeah, but you weren't even watching until the last shot!" Calum complained, "Michael told me."

"Why would you rat me out like that, punk?" I scoffed, turning to Michael, who was giggling like crazy.

"Sorry, Natalie. I mean, it's Cal! He would've gotten mad anyway." 

Calum nudged him, "Shut up." he said before getting up from the table and leaving the cafeteria. 

"Why does he leave so early? Where does he even go?" I questioned.

"He has a girlfriend he makes out with before class everyday." Michael explained. Luke was still spacing out.

"How come I didn't know about that?" I pouted, "I thought we were friends."

"He tries to keep it secret because she doesn't want her dad to find out."

"Any other secret girlfriends, I need to know about?" I asked the group.

Luke chuckled and spoke for the last time that morning, "Michael has a crush on someone."

I was about to question further but Michael got up from the table too, in sync with the bell ringing for class.


After school, I was heading to my car before Michael or the boys could ask for a ride. I was already speedwalking when I heard someone calling my name. I turned my music up louder and walked faster through the empty parking lot. Soon enough, their voice became recognizable and I decided to give up my charade and took off my earphones.

I turned around to face Luke, "What do you want? Another ride?" 

He was panting, "No, actually. I'm waiting for Michael's mom to pick us up."

I nodded, urging him to go on so I could go home. 

"Um, can you give this to your sister for me?" he asked, whipping his backpack around and handing me a case. 

I took it and read the title, "Pretty Girl's Pop Punk Playlist?" I read out loud, questioning the title as I read it. "You haven't learned my sister's name yet?" I laughed.

He rubbed his neck, "I'm working on that. Actually, can you tell me? It would be awkward if I asked her now, when I've known her for like two weeks.."

I shook my head and opened the door to my car, "It's not important." I smirked before getting in and driving away. He didn't bother asking any further. He stood in the same spot. I watched him in my rear view mirror, almost smiling at me.


I closed the front door behind me. The house was quiet, especially considering my sister was just watching TV on the couch this morning. I walked through the living room, dropping my bag on the couch and continuing to the kitchen to grab a bottle of water. Even closing the refrigerator door felt weird. I don't think anyone was home.

I decided to sneak upstairs into my sister's room to check on her. I imagined she'd be sleeping because she really did look awful this morning. Sniffling, puking, and all. 

I opened the door and realized that it couldn't have been anything else but an empty room. My phone pinged as if on cue. I took it out of my pocket and read the message from my sister. 

'At the amusement park today. Will be home in twenty min. Don't tell mom and dad!' 

I rolled my eyes, typical. She was a master at sneaking out. I almost praised her. Then again, I hated her guts.

Just as I was about to close the door, I felt the sun streaming through the curtains reflect off something shiny in the room. Slowly, I opened the door wider and stared the glimmer in the face. The stack of CDs stared back as if tempting me to grab at them. 

They were already collecting dust. They were almost calling my name. I mean, I had gone a couple of months listening to the same music. I'm guessing that this is a sign for change and grabbed the stack before heading out the door. 

I flipped through them as I entered my room. There was a list of songs on the back of each case so I glanced over those as well while dropping a CD into my stereo. I pushed in the CD and pressed play, flopping down on my bed as the opening chords of 'Welcome to Paradise' filled my room. 

I couldn't help but yell out the lyrics to each song. I was afraid that Luke would change each genre on the CDs he gave her when he realized that she was into more 80's indie music. Luckily, he hadn't figured it out yet and I was still belting out the words to each song on the mix. 

I hadn't realized twenty minutes passed by so quickly when I heard the front door slam shut and my sister run upstairs. I had to end my jam session early, scared that she would take the CDs away for her own trophy case. I quickly switched out the CD and hid the cases before my sister barged in with the biggest smile on her face. 

I was on my bed, pretending to look through my phone when she appeared in my doorway. 

"Look, I know you don't care about me to much but I just met the cuuuuuutest boy at the park today!" she squealed.

"Good for you." I muttered. I was struck with realization when I remembered her little affair with Luke. "What about Luke?"

She had to think it over for a bit until she shrugged, "I don't know. But the cute boy at the park asked me out for coffee this weekend!"

I scoffed, in disbelief that she would blow off Luke so easily. 

She was about to close the door after herself when she exhaled, about to speak again. "Oh yeah! Don't tell mom and dad I went out today."

I rolled my eyes a mumbled, "Whatever." before she slammed my door behind her.


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