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Part 7

natalie's pov.

I woke up to the harmonious bickering between my dad and my sister about her taking the car out all night last night. It was Saturday again and I had stayed up all night watching the second season of 'Orange is the New Black' last night on Netflix. Meanwhile, my sister was supposedly out in the next town over, at the club my dad's friend's were at too. It was ten am and I felt like seven am. 

"You could have at least called and told us where you were going, honestly! But you had to lie!" my dad yelled.

"You would've said 'no' anyway!" she cried. "You never let me do anything!"

"I let you take the car to the beach on the other side of the state with your friends for the weekend! I let you take the car out every night and all I do is expect you home before two in the morning!"

My sister was giving up on her argument because I could hear her fake crying and my dad hushing her and comforting her. My eyes were closed but they still rolled around in my skull. I was just about to fall asleep again after a long period of silence when my sister starting wailing again. 

"How am I going to get to school?!"

"Your sister will drive you."

"What if she feels sick one day or something?"

"I'll drive you."

"What if you and mom are working?"

"Get someone else to drive you. Not one of your friends!" my dad replied, "I'll get the neighbors or one of Natalie's friends to drive."

My sister groaned, "Natalie has no friends!" I could hear her stomping to her room in a full cry. I prayed quietly that she wouldn't slam the door but oh, she did.

Once the door slammed, I groaned and rolled out of bed, knowing I wouldn't be going to sleep anytime soon. I nearly sat on the ground for a couple of minutes until my phone started to ring. I picked it up and held it up to my ear. 


"Nat! Are you busy?" Michael asked, rather impatiently.

"Um, not at the moment." I answered, barely opening my eyes.

"Okay, great. Want to hang out? With Luke and I? We're going to Calum's game at noon."

I cleared my throat and checked the time again. "Okay, sure."

"Great, We'll stop by in twenty minutes. Can we take your car?" 

I got up and stretched my arms a bit, "Yeah, sure. My sister just got her privileges taken away this morning." I laughed.

"Oh, sucks. We'll talk about it on the way, then." 

"See you later, Mikey." I smiled then hung up my phone. 

I whipped open one of my drawers and pulled out a tank top, I was half awake and this was already routine to me. I grabbed the skinny jeans I had left hanging on a chair and headed for the bathroom. 

Upon opening the bathroom, I could hear my sister crying harder from her room. Oh God, she over reacts way too much. I debated whether to go check on her, because she was my sister, not because I liked her. I opened the bathroom and tossed my clothes on the counter before heading to her room. I didn't bother knocking and walked straight inside. She was on her bed, crying into her pillows like in a angsty teen movie. 

"Hey, are you okay to go out with Michael, Luke, and I today?" I offered, crossing my fingers behind my back in high hopes she would decline.

She sniffled, "Ew, why would I go out with you, losers." and cringed as she said it.

MIXTAPES-- l.h.Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz