Chapter One

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My name is Addison. Yeah I know, pretty common, huh? Anyways, i'm 16 years old and make a hell of a lot of money doing what I love most, modeling. I've only been to real public school maybe twice. I've always been homeschooled. Well, since second grade that is. My mother has been a model all her life so I was practically forced out of the regular seven-year-old, school going lifestyle to be raised around blinding lights, cameras, and people yelling "Work it sister!" Or, "That's it, keep it right there!" I only have one genuine, my age friend and we've been best friends since first grade. Keep in mind i'm a Junior in High School. Her name is Kailie. Oh Kailie. What would I ever do without that girl? We're so close that when i'm mad at her or we're fighting, instead of talking about her behind her back, she's the person I turn to and say bad things about her to herself.

My mom has Kailie and I both a lifetime contract in modeling, since she's been a model for her company for at least, gosh, 18 years. Since it's getting close for her to shut down her pretty face, she's leaving her model status to Kailie and I. But, mom doesn't want me to go into the real world being anti-social so she's putting me in a public high school for my Junior year, which is before we start our rounds of modeling and run way shows and all that great stuff, and possibly my Senior year. But hey, i'm not complaining. I need a good kick in the ass before I even think about stepping into the real world, especially going into the modeling industry.

Speaking of High School, it's not that far away to the time in which I go. Of course going into it in late October isn't really where you wanna begin. Thank God Kailie is with me, and thank God my mother made them put me and her in all the same classes together. Even though we have all the same classes and we both have no idea what we are doing, im not to thrilled to be going. But, like I said, I can't complain. I need this, I think. Socializing should be a good thing, right? Oh, and the guys. Kailie LOVES her some guys. Me on the other hand, well, i've never had a boyfriend. I've never really even talked to a guy, besides my father. I'm not to big on the whole dating thing. All the "I love you's" and the holding hands, and ew, the changing of the siliva. It's just, not my thing. Ugh, starting high school is like a drug. You don't want it at first, but then you realize you need it, and you have to have it.

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