Chapter XI: Fallen & Picked Up

Start from the beginning

You swallowed hard, hand holding the flashlight was now trembling- no scratch that- your whole body was trembling.

You weren't going to give up on saving Laurie by blinding him though, no you weren't about doing that.

So when a bottle crashed into her back, the Clown lunged and slashed his butterfly knife across her back. Effectively downing the blonde survivor.

When you knew he was going to pick her up, you broke out into a run to face him.


The beam from the flashlight blinded the Clown, making him drop Laurie with and let out a frustrated noise.

Laurie grunted as her feet hit the ground. Sending you a grateful look before speeding off, and before he could recover his sight you took off as well.

You rounded the corner of the killer shack, the same place where the basement resided. Catching your breath while you waited because it was either Laurie or you he was going after.

You cursed when you heard footsteps coming in your direction. No regrets, you know this (Y/n), you repeated in your head. When you peeked out the doorway, your eyes widened as the Clown was walking towards you at a fast pace.

You ran to the window as he walked through the doorway, hopping over it and running towards the centre of the forest. You were running towards a pallet when one of those bottles broke against your back. You staggered, trying not to inhale the gas but your eyes watered, vision blurring and it threw off your balance.

Pain exploded in your back as his blade slashed through your sweater.

You gasped and threw yourself forward, to the pallet and pulled it down between you and him.

You wiped your eyes with your sleeve and kept running. Your chest burned with the need for air but your legs raced with the adrenaline of fear.

Another bottle was thrown at you, this time it broke on the ground next to you. Due to your heavy panting, the gas went into your body.

Your back seared in pain and you jumped over a window, falling to the ground with a groan and was through the process of getting back up when a foot stepped down onto your back. Pushing you to the ground, and the Clown, the killer behind you laughed.

You coughed, trying to push yourself off but it came up in useless attempts.

"You know you are mine right?"

It was your turn to laugh, dry and breathless. Yeah right, you thought, shaking like a leaf in the breeze. You were scared, you felt his stare, you hated his stare.

He obviously didn't like your response because he stomped down on your back, probably not at full force but you still choked on your breath.

Tears welled in the corners of your eyes, waiting and struggling.

"I don't know what you're doing with that other killer, but I have something that belongs solely to you. You are mine, my property. You know that now don't you?"

The words made you sick, the gleam in his eyes even sicker as you looked up. He lowered down to grab the flashlight from your hand, making you fail to reach for it. Alas, it was impossible as his foot pressed harder into your backside.

You wanted to scream when a hand pushed up your sweater, a cool tip of his blade pressed against your back. You let out a strangled noise when he began to write something, carving something to your lower back.

Your tears fell, clutching handfuls of grass as you kicked your legs, but it hurt more as you did. His fingers traced your exposed skin as he cut, making your tears fall faster.

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