I rolled my eyes, "Okay, fine. I was just offering." But just as I was about to turn around and close the door behind me, I notice a stack CDs I had seen on top of her dresser. "Hey, are those the mixes Luke gave you?" 

She nodded, "Yeah, he gave me like one for each time he saw me. God, he's so annoying but his mix tapes are so cute but so lame."

I nodded, "Okay. Well, have fun." I said, before she could change her mind.


After taking a shower and grabbing my bag, I skipped downstairs to find my dad writing notes from the computer in a binder. He had concentration written all over his face and I knew once I get him talking about my sister, he'll cancel my plans as well. My plan to avoid him didn't work so well because he had bothered to look up from his work. 

"Hey, darling, where are you going?" he asked as I was pulling the orange juice out of the fridge. 

"Um, I'm going to hang out with Michael and Luke today." I said, nonchalantly so he wouldn't suspect anything was unusual. It was unusual, I was hanging out with boys. 

I was hoping he wouldn't take our conversation any further but of course, my hopes were set too high for me to reach. "Who's Michael?"

"Friends with Luke."

"Who's Luke?"

"Friends with Michael."

He rolled my eyes, "And my name's dad. I'm friends with mom." 

I laughed nervously, "Really, dad. They're just my friends. Nothing to worry about."

"Then why do I feel as if there is something to worry about?" he crossed his arms and took out his glasses. 

"Because you're comparing me to my sister again." I frowned, letting him know I was completely over this conversation. 

As if on cue, the bell rang and I darted for the door. "I'll see you later, dad! I'll call you!"

When I was halfway out the door, my dad yelled back. "You forgot to put the orange juice back!"


"For the last time, Lucas, my sister thinks you're cute. End of story." I groaned, turning into the park.

"I know." he grinned, "I just like hearing people say it."

"Well are you a fan of hearing people tell you to shut the fuck up because that's what you'll be hearing if you don't stop asking." Michael snapped, turning a bit to talk to Luke from the front seat.

Luke rolled his eyes, "Why didn't she come, again?"

"Because my dad took away her keys or something." I pulled into a space and parked the car. I turned off the engine and got out of the car quickly so Luke didn't have to ask any more about my sister, especially to Luke.

"The game already started?" I questioned, watching boys in uniform sprint across the field. 

"No, it's just warm ups or something." Michael said, closing his door and leading us to the bleachers. 

"Oh yeah, it's warm ups because Cal isn't sweating yet." Luke confirmed with a chuckle. 

Michael hopped onto the second row of seats and scooted down to fit myself and Luke next to him. "It's so hot today." he grimaced at the sun. "Go back in the closet, you sunny shit." 

I whacked him with the back of my hand as families turned back to stare at Michael. One Asian family in particular had stared longer, possibly recognized me from my afternoon struts near the strip mall for my hair dye.

"Michael, there are children here." I whisper-yelled.

"Well, children should grow up." he muttered. 

I laughed and continued to watch Calum run up and down the field to warm up. Once the coach had blown the whistle, he and the rest of this teammates were heading towards the benches. He had lagged behind because he caught us looking at him and waved back at Luke, who was waving at him as excited at a small child. 

He sent an air kiss and I pretended to catch it. Luke frowned and pretended to take it from me and stuff it in his pocket. I seemed to laugh even more around these two than I do with my own family. 

"So what do you like to do when you're not in school?" Luke asked. 

"Are you asking a legitimate question? About me?" I gasped, sarcastically.

He chuckled, nodding. "Yeah, I'd like to get to know you better, you seem cool."

"Well, I like downloading music. Well, downloading music to listen to music..." I trailed off to think of more things to mention that I liked doing. However, I am the most boring person on the face of the earth. I don't think I do anything other than download and listen to music.

"Really? What kind of music do you listen to?" he leaned forward, his elbows resting on his knees in pure fascination. This made me smile; how he was interested in me.

"I like blink-182 and All Time Low and Green Day, " I sighed, thinking of more artists on my iPod. "And My Chemical Romance and Yellowcard and stuff." I finished with a shrug. I'm so boring that even when I'm most passionate about something, it comes out as merely a hobby. 

Luke's smile grew, "Oh my God, me too! It's literally all I listen to."

I laughed, a girly laugh, "Listening to music is literally all I do."

His smile dropped, "Oh, that's really sad. Don't you have any friends?"

I almost took it seriously but watching his cheekish smile grow. "You're so rude." I shoved him lightly. Giggling even though it was somewhat hurtful.

"I'm sorry, that was mean." he sulked, "If it means something, I think of us as friends." he smiled, gently.

"Friends?" I stifled a laugh. 

He hugged me closer, "Best friends!" 

In his arms, though it may sound cheesy, it was better. I didn't want to be in a world that wasn't inside his arms.


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