11¦ Cold Girls

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Shenyi's POV

I thought that gangstas will leave us now, but it's just my thoughts.

Im not scared or what, the reason why I bring Dianjia with me is to hide from them. Im so tired dealing with the shits of all of them, specially with their leader now.

"We can go now, im finished." Dianjia popped beside me.

I just nod, with my poker face.

We walked out and started to search a store nearby,

"Smol, actually, where in earth are you taking me? Where's the store? Hmm?" He asked

This annoying bamboo can't really shut up!?

"Just shut up." I answered, coldly, not even looking on to him.

"O-okay... Eeeem.."

The very first I saw him shaking, why is he shaking?

I walked faster, leaving him from behind and immediately entered the store.

"Why'd you leave me from behind!?" I ignored his question and looked around for something necessary.

You ththought I have my month? No, it's just that, I don't have any mood for today char (it means joke)

After we buy the some sort of things, we immediately go home. For some reason.

"Hello jiejie gege!" Greeted Linma,

I only looked at him and walked inside our room. Not even wanting to turn back, why? Coz why not.

"May I talked to you for a minute?" Junyi entered the room.

I just looked at him, it means, he'll continue.

"Why so cold?" He asked

I knew it...


"Come on Shenyi, you're not like this, really!"

"What do you mean? I'm always like this." I said back

"No, you are not a type of a girl who has a cold attitude. How'd I know? I saw it myself."

"You don't know anything, Junyi."

"Ok if I don't, tell me then!"

"We're not even close."

He stopped for a minute, and looked down.

"Just.. leave the room." I said

He then leaves, slamming the door in front of me..

-.- ??

Minghao's POV

I wonder why Shenyi is so cold rn? But she's not like that when she's eating before? Is there something wrong with her? I wanna heeeeeelp!

Or maybe she have a girls month? :c

Ok let's admit it, I kinda like her, Shenyi. Why? Coz she's so cute. That's all.

"Hello jiejie Xiaoyi!" Guanyi greeted the girl who just entered the dorm.

"Hi." She greeted back, but not even daring to looked at us, actually, I found a cold Xiaoyi too.

Can you tell me pls what on Earth is happening!?

"What's their problem? The jiejies are so cold.. imma cri.." Jiakai started​ to fakely cries.

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