01 ¦ Who's that Guo Dianjia

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Shenyi's POV

Hallo!! Im Xu Shenyi! Nice to meet you!

"Shenyi can you pls stop rolling on your bed?" Xiaoyi said,

That girl, that serious girl is my bestfriend​, Liu Xiaoyi. We lived together.

"Oh pls Xiaoyi im really really boreeeeed!!!!!!" I replied,

And ofc she covered her ear as if she's gonna go deaf for that small scream of mine.

"Argh!! Xiaoyi can you pls stop acting as if you're going deaf!?" I shouted to her,

"And can you pls shut up?"

"Hmp! Don't you dare to beg me for treating you some takoyakis!"


I smirked and started walking outside,

Well duh we have school, and we MUST go to school even tho I hate schooling.

As we reach the school, I immediately walks to canteen, why? Coz im hungry! D u H

I entered and headed towards the counter and search for my favorite choco drink and fluffy choco cake roll, I like chocolates any problem?

I get my fav drink but...

Someone holds into it too!

I looked up to that someone and found a boy who's just around my age and im gonna lie if I tell you he's not handsome.

He looks down at me, coldly

"Uh... I got this first.."

"Really? I bet I got this before you hold it." He replied, coldly

I look at him confused,

"Psh, you can have it." He said as he pushed to me harshly the choco drink

"Yah! What's your problem!? You can just hand it to me properly!" I yelled at him,

"K.." and he then walks out..

Wow... I hate you! Psh!

He's so handsome yet cold tch

After I paid my foods, I headed to our classroom and sat beside Xiaoyi who's just listening to music.

I started to munch my food but I got interrupted by my classmates scream,

I looked at the front and our eyes meet.

But, I eat my foods again. Not wanting to start a staring game with him.

Why is he in our classroom!? Don't tell me he's our classmate!?

"Dianjia, what are you doing? Aren't you going to sit?" A boy with a fluffy cheeks and about around our age too,

"Ah.. yeah!" Replied that Dianjia guy who's now in behind me,

Is that Dianjia guy and fluffy cheeks guy is new? Nahhh why would I care!

"Shenyi! Shenyi!" Someone called me and I guess that's one of the boys who has a crush on me -.-


"Go out and date me! Pls?"

"Wt... Yah are you crazy?" I asked him with annoyance

"Yeah crazy! Crazy for you ~ let's date pls?" He replied,

Argghh! What will I do to him!?

"Sorry but I have some things to do."

"Eh? But can't you just do it tommorow?"

"No" I simply replied, and he started to walk out.

And finally our teacher came.

And something I just noticed is that, she never mentioned we have a new classmate. Is they really our classmate or it's just me I didn't know?

Maybe it's just me.

"Ms. Xu!" I looked up to our class teacher with confused look, and she just gave me an angry look.

"Starting tommorow you and Ms. Liu have to wear our school uniform, or else you'll get a detention for a month"

My eyes widened

"What!? But--"

"No buts Ms. Xu!"

Hayss huhu I don't want to wear them! So legs revealing! ><

I should wear them or else I'll get detention! I hate detentions!

Time skipped

"Shenyi, let's go to arcade!" Xiaoyi.

I looked at her confused

"Stop giving me that look and faster!! I wanna play some games hmf and uh... Buy me takoyaki!"



"AWW I LOVE YOU TOO NOW COME ON!!" Then we started to walk inside the mall.

"Hey can I asked you something?" I asked,

"You're already asking." She replied,


"Do you know a guy named Dianjia?"

"Why? You don't know him? Yes ofc I know him. His our classmate duh along with his best friend Minghao."

"Eh!? But how come I didn't know them!?" I asked again

"Maybe you're too busy with your fanboys?" I look at her with disgusted look

"Yak! Why would I be busy with them duuuuh I don't like them!" I replied

"Coz you like Dianjia?"

"What the... Why would you think that!?"

I really hate that guy know she'll say I like him!? No way high way!

"And besides he's cold, I hate him!"

"Really? He's so ke ai!"

(Ke ai means cute)

"Ke ai your face! Naaah! Let's just play!"

She then laugh and we play.


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