Chapter Five

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~Hiei's POV~

I watched Kurama go and went to sit beside Kimi while the two morons continued playing video games. Kimi smiled at me as I sat beside her. She was such a sweet girl, I wondered what kind of demon she could be, not many demons could be as compassionate.

"So what happened to Kai?" She asked me quietly.

"He got away." Yusuke said while blowing up a building full of zombies on the TV screen.

"You knew about it last night, that's why you all walked me home, are you like secret agents or something?" She pondered.

"Kind of." Kuwabara said smugly while flexing his biceps, trying to impress her.

Kimi laughed at this. She was still in danger and she was still able to laugh at the moron's antics. "Well I suppose I won't ask more, I trust you guys." She smiled at me and I felt my heart flutter. Her smile could light up the world, and perhaps melt the ice around my heart.

Her phone began to ring causing her to jump and wince at the sudden movement; I retrieved it from her desk and handed it to her causing her to blush. She threw me another dazzling smile before picking up the phone.

"Hello?" She paused for a moment and I nearly jumped as my ears were attacked, the person on the other line was talking loud enough I was sure even Yusuke and Kuwabara could hear above their idiotic game.

"I don't know what to do! My sister can't keep anything down!" A panicked female voice squealed. The sound of frantic pacing in heavy boots following the ear shattering wails of desperation.

"Dee, it's okay, give her some ginger and wait about twenty minutes and start her on some water and crackers." Kimi said calmly.

"Then what?" The voice on the other end relaxed exponentially mirroring Kimi's calming tone.

Kimi smiled, "If she can keep the crackers down I think it's okay to work her up to some real food, nothing complex though, keep it simple like broth or soup."

"I love you!" The girl on the other end gushed, "Okay, I'll call ya back if I need more advice." She hung up after that and Kimi shook her head with a silent laugh.

"Yikes, who was that?" Yusuke called as he mashed down on the buttons of his controller.

"My friend, Dee, her sister is sick too." She sounded tired, her skin was still had an unhealthy-looking pallor to it.

"You should rest." I said quietly trying to sound indifferent.

Yusuke and Kuwabara stopped button mashing long enough to stare at me with wide eyes before grinning like loons. Kimi looked to me curiously with an adorable blush spreading across her cheeks. She averted her gaze and looked down at the clock on her cell phone.

"Oh! I have to make dinner." She jumped up out of bed lightning fast; once she was on her feet she swayed and toppled over.

I reached out and caught her in my arms before she could make contact with the floor and couldn't help but roll my eyes, "hn, stupid girl, you need to recover."

Her startling blue green eyes met mine and I felt my heart skip a beat as I gazed into her dazzling eyes, they were deep and reminded me of a crystal blue sea, with swirls of green. "Sorry." Her breathing sounded labored and I could hear her heart racing in her chest.

"Rest." I set her back down on her bed and returned to the window seat I'd been occupying earlier.

"I need to make dinner for Nana." She protested.

I couldn't help but smile to myself at this; she was being so stubborn and defiant. Perhaps she wasn't all sweetness and softness, there was a fire there as well.

"Don't sweat it, we'll get take out, my friend's parents own a small restaurant in the city. We'll go pick something up." Yusuke offered.

"You mean girlfriend?" Kuwabara teased him with a stupid guffaw.

Yusuke glared, "She's not my girlfriend."

Kimi blushed, "Oh, no, I couldn't ask you to do that, it's too much trouble."

Yusuke chuckled and turned off the game, "You didn't ask, I offered, it's no trouble." He assured her, "Come on Kuwabara."

"I can't thank you enough." She said earnestly.

What kind of demon could she possibly be? She was so timid. She was the picture of innocence and purity, unlike any demon I'd come across before. The dimwits disappeared after that, leaving me alone with the girl.

Her startling gaze met mine and she averted her gaze quickly and bowed her head, "I'm sorry I inconvenienced you all today."

"Don't go anywhere alone, then." I shrugged as I gazed out the window watching the two morons disappear from view.

"I'm sorry." Her voice cracked and I turned to her. There were tears welling in her beautiful eyes.

"Don't cry." I couldn't handle a crying girl, I wasn't like Kurama or even Yusuke, I couldn't console women, I had no idea what to do.

A single tear slid down her porcelain cheek, "I was so scared." She choked and I instinctively ran to her aid, it was as if my body had been possessed I found myself sitting at the edge of her bed, reaching out to her, placing my hand in hers. What was I doing?!

"You don't have to be scared, we'll protect you." Why was I saying this? Perhaps I'd spent too much time around the weak humans, they were rubbing off on me.

Video- "What Makes Us Human" By Lamb

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