What a nice way to start my day. I'll probably just skip my classes, I got nothing better to do since Lou's not here.

I get some stuffs on my locker. I see Andrew walking with a girl, I approached him.

"Hey jerk"

He stopped.

"Oh, you're talking to me?" He smirked.

"Why the hell did you lie and embarrass Louise yesterday?"

"What's it to you huh?"

I punched him, busting his lips. The girl with him was shocked.

"That's for Louise, you douche" I walked away. He didn't punch me back, he was too busy stopping the bleeding.

I drove home.



"Hansel you sing like a retarded seal" I say to him as he sings Every little she does is magic. I couldn't help but laugh.

"Evert little thing she does is magic, everything she do just turns me on even though before my life was tragic now I know my love for her goes on" He dances as he sings. He is out of tune. I laugh hysterically.

"Hansel you're hurting my ears" I shout to him, but he didn't listen and just continued on singing.

The song was finished. I had a great time. It's already 12:21, we need to go so Hansel could prepare for his trip.

"Baby, do you want to go get some lunch?"

"Are you asking me on a date?" I said folding my arms.

"Yes I am. Let's go eat there" He pointed at a diner just across the street of the karaoke bar.


"The place seems nice." I said, as we entered.


The waitress approached us.

"What are you having?" She said weakly, but when she saw Hansel she started to smile.

I checked the menu.

"Hmm.. I'll just have some fries and chicken wings. You?"

"Burger and some fries."


"Orange juice, how bout you Hansel?"

"Strawberry milkshake please"

"Okay, do you need anything else?"

"No" We said in chorus.

"The waitress totally likes you" I tease him


"Go check her out" I giggled

"Baby, you know you're the only girl for me"

I rolled my eyes.

"And besides, I'm busy protecting you over boys"

"Hansel, you need to have a girlfriend. Don't you have a crush or whatever?"

"No I do not have."

"Wait, are you Gay?!"

"What are you talking about? No, I'm straight."

"Then why don't you have a girlfriend then?"

"Well, let's just say I'm waiting for the right moment" He winks.

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