Y/N: No. I do need your help though.

JM: With what?

Y/N: You are the only person I know that can sing really high and I need you to sing a part of my song and film a music video for it!

JM: You have a project already? Do you have people helping you?

Y/N: Yeah, his name is Taehyung. Tae, say hi.

T: Hello~

JM: Wait. Is he in your room? You know I don't like guys in your room.

Y/N: Oppa, you are so overprotective. I know how to handle this.

JM: Y/N, I am your best friend but I need to be your big brother sometimes.

Y/N: Whatever. Goodnight.

JM: Night, Bear.

Call Ended

Tae looked at me in shock.

"I've known him my whole life."

"Oh-Okay. But we still have one last part."


"Come in!"

Suga walked in.

"Dinner is here."

"Okay, we will be out in a bit. Tae, we can figure that out later."

Tae and I both got up and walked to the kitchen.

"Smells delish!"

After eating, I realized it was almost 1 AM.

"Tae, do you just want to spend the night? I don't want you, or anyone, to walk home in the dark."

"Sure, thanks. Let me just quickly call my hyungs. They worry to much about me."

As Taehyung called his roommates, I headed back to my room and started to design the outfits the boys would wear. I was going for a bad-boy at school theme.

When I was half way done with the outfits Taehyung walked back into my room.

"My hyungs are cool with me staying here. Hey, stop working. You need to rest."

"But this is the best part, the outfits!"

"I mean, that is fun but you need some sleep."

"Do you want to see your outfit?"

"Damn you, Y/N. You are so persistent. Fine."

I pulled out the sketch of Tae. Black shirt, covered with a leather jacket with buttons on it, black pants, and a silver necklace.

"You can add anything if you want. Just don't make it look stupid."

"Woah! I didn't know you could draw."

"I can't, I can only draw clothes."

"It's still good."

"Do you want to help me with your roommates clothes? I don't know what they look like so I'm having trouble figuring out their outfits."

"Okay, but then we go to sleep."

I nodded at him and we started to work on Jin and Namjoon's clothes.

It was now around 2:30 AM and we finished, except for the one missing member.

"Wow! These all look so good Y/N. I can't wait to try it on."

"Speaking of trying them on, do you care if, when the outfits are ready, I can take some photos?"

"I don't care. Tomorrow we can find the last person, work on the choreo, and you can do the outfits in your free time. Sound good?"

"Sounds amazing. Now let's sleep."

"Uhm..Where do I sleep?"

"Just sleep next to me. It's one night."


I could tell he was scared.

"Don't worry, I won't bite."

We both eventually fell fast asleep.

I didn't know it but during the night I kept cuddling with Tae. When it was time to wake up, I found myself wrapped in his arm. I freaked out a little bit but then I started to freak out more when I heard Jimin in the other room. Crap.

I woke Tae up as fast as I could.

"Tae! Wake up, you need to hide!"

The poor boy was still half asleep.


"Jimin is here and he is going to kill you if he knows you slept in my room. Hide in my closet!"

Tae stubbled to the closet and closed the door just in time.

"Oh! Morning Y/N. I didn't expect you to already be up."

"Well, I didn't want you to tickle me again."

"Fair point. So what are you wearing today?"

"I'm not sure yet."

"Go on. Get dressed, we need to leave soon."

Jimin pushed me into the closet and luckily didn't see Tae.

I closed the door and stared at Tae for a minute.

"Look away. I have to change."

"You're just going to change with me in here?"

"I said look away."

He blushed and turned away quickly. I started to change clothes.

I walked out of the closet, leaving Tae in there. I'm sorry.

"Wow Y/N, these outfits look great. Ooo! Mine is pretty sexy."

"Oh shut up. I had help from Taehyung."

"How long was here by the way?"

"Uh...like until 2 in the morning. Why?"

"Just wondering. Lets go."

"Actually, you can go to your class. I was going to walk with Suga and Jungkook. Their class is actually the same way as mine."

He rolled his eyes at me.

"Fine. I guess I can't always be there to protect you."

We walked out the dorm together then went our own ways. Hopefully, Tae made it out alive.

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