"Evemina, wait!"

The maiden glanced back to Sarah who jogged back along Verity's side, "Yes, Sarah?"

The brown eyes of Marian's lady in waiting stared into the emeralds, "Marian has been worried about your safety. We are both glad that you are safe again." Evemina nodded with a slight smile before she returned to traveling back to the stables.

"Marian!" Evemina gazed back to the sound of a male's voice and saw Robin following after her Lady, "Marian, My purpose in coming here, was not to hurt you... I swore... I swore to your brother that I would protect you."

Marian's eyes were sad as she stared at Robin, "You can not replace my brother."

"I do not want to replace him." Robin responded his voice held sadness, "Marian, I've returned to my home to find it destroyed and my father murdered. And the only explanations for it are the ramblings of an old blind man." The man gestured to a man sitting on a bale of hale near the stable with a blindfold and stark white hair.

Marian shook her head slowly, stepping slightly away from Robin, "All I remember of you is a spoiled bully who used to burn my hair as a child."

Robin responded by taking a step closer to the saddened Lady, look ing her straight in the eyes, "Please allow that years of war and prison may change a man."

Marian stared at the man before her, breathing heavily. "Robin, whatever happened between you and your father, you mustn't believe...what they accused him of." Lady Dubois set her hand on his shoulder.

"I don't." Robin answered seriously.

Suddenly Robin looks up towards the stone wall and takes off in a sprint. Evemina watched curiously as Robin climbed the ladder to sit beside another man on the wall.


The maiden glanced over to see Marian' s face, "My Lady..." Evemina bowed her head and got off Verity.

"You are back so soon."

"Marian I come with very important news." Evemina strolled over to her Lady and whispered seriously, "There is a spy of Nottingham in the Manor."

"What? How did you come to find this?"

Evemina opened her mouth to speak when in the corner of her eye, she sees Robin and... a very dark skinned man leap into a heap of hay.

"What is it?" Marian questioned as the men ran closer. Evemina suspiciously eyed the dark man sprinting past her to the old blind man quickly heads and the stables while Robin goes to Marian's side. "What is it?"

"It's Nottingham soldiers." Robin answered.

"Coming here? Is this your protection?" Marian questioned the man.

Robin uneasily gazed into her eyes, "I've killed some of the Sheriff's men."

Marian sighed, "Oh dear."

The man remained dead serious as he watched the Lady of Dubois, "I fear I've placed you in danger."

Marian gave him a 'no kidding' expression with a hmm. She whisked her hands up to sho Robin away, "I can take care of myself just go!" The dark man exits the stables on a beautiful horse with the old man behind him, "No that's my horse!" Marian hollered.

"A truly magnificent animal, my lady." The dark man responded with a smile.

Robin unsheathed his sword, remaining on the ground.

The thunder of hooves roared louder, creating fear in Evemina's heart. Her home is no longer safe... thanks to Robin of Locksley truly. She would not be able to stay here with the spy and the Nottingham soldiers now at breath's range to entering the Dubois Manor.

I Will Always Return ~ (A Will Scarlet Love Story) *Completed*Where stories live. Discover now