"Fuck it!" Hank says standing up and walking into the room we are all situated in.

I stand upright and lean backwards on the tables.

"No luck?" I ask.

"Nup, the fucking thing won't talk," Hank says sitting down angrily.

"Maybe if we beat it up it'll confess!" Gavin suggests.

"No!" Both Hank and I say at the same time.

"Why not?"

"It won't get you anywhere," I start.

"In fact it'll do the opposite effect, the Deviant will just get damaged and won't talk," Connor finishes.

I nod towards Connor while looking at Gavin.

"Fine what do you suggest then?!" Gavin shouts, obviously angered.

"I could try to talk to it," Connor says.

"Only thing we've got left I guess," I say shrugging my shoulders.

Connor nods and start to leave the room.

"Stay safe Connor," I say smiling and in return Connor just nods.

I tried.

"Now Miss Anna," Gavin says approaching me.


"Now that your little robotic protection is gone, I can say what I like to you," Gavin says bopping my nose.

"No you can't."

"Yes I can."

"I'll kick you in the balls if you fucking dare," I threaten as I listen to Connor trying a soft approach.

After several minutes of Connor's soft approach not working and Gavin's flirting going horribly wrong and pissing me off.

Both Connor and I slam our hands on the tables before us at the same time.

"SHUT UP GAVIN!" I shout.

"TALK GODDAMIT!" Connor shouts at the same time as me.

"You two really are two peas in a pod," Gavin comments.

"Get out of here you bastard," I say through gritted teeth as I point to the door, eyes still fixated on the scene in front of me with Connor and the Deviant.

Gavin doesn't move.

"I. SAID. OUT!" I shout louder than last time.

Connor and the Deviant look at the window meaning they heard me.

"Do as she says Gavin," Hank says and Gavin eventually walks out, angered he didn't get his way.

"You okay?" Hank asks me.

I nod and walk out of the room to go outside to breathe.

12:00 am

Shit it's late.

I place myself down onto the stairs that lead to the police precinct and sit there for roughly 10 minutes before my silence is disturbed.

"Are You okay?" I hear a familiar voice ask.

I freeze up not wanting to talk, even thought I know exactly who it is.

"Anna?" The voice asks again.

I look to my right and see Connor sitting next to me and I shake my head no.

Connor moves closer to me, so our shoulders are touching, as he tries to comfort me.

"What happened? I heard you shout before," Connor asks me.

"Gavin," is all I reply with.

My eyes start to water and I feel tears fall down into my lap, for the second time tonight.

"What did he do?" Connor asks, head tilted like a curious dog and his LED flashing yellow.

"Everything," I say softly.

I'm still looking at my lap, where my hands are now crossed.

"Could you be more specific?"

I sigh and look at Connor, my eyes blood shot red, from crying and tear stains down my face.

"He tried to flirt with me after you left and he kept going and going and going until I had enough and shouted at him. But he didn't leave right away, which was when you heard me yell," I explain quietly for fear of Gavin hearing.

Connor looks at me with a blank face as if to say to go on.

"It's been happening since I started here, it's nothing new unfortunately, I got it all the time back at school," I say.

"You shouldn't be used to that kind of language," Connor says softly.

I nod and look back down at my lap and rest my head on Connor's shoulder. Connor feels how cold I am and wraps an arm around my shoulders and pulls me into him further so he can keep me as warm as possible.


Curious and Infatuated // Connor [Detroit: Become Human] - OC!! Where stories live. Discover now