Chapter 34: Mending A Broken Heart

Start from the beginning


Severus cradled Harry's hair as they settled on Snape's bed. Alice came with Stacie and found Harry almost asleep on Severus' shoulder. Alice smiled knowingly- relieved- and helped the poor father to settle into a more comfortable position to accommodate the emotionally tired Harry.

Both father and son had found no need for any loss of contact from each other, as Harry even cried again, like a small child asking for his Daddy, when Severus had to let go of him as Alive helped him onto the bed.

Alice left them with a smile still on her lips. At first it was disheartening to have felt unease between them for almost a month now, but of course she never lost faith knowing they would come together again after a while. They just needed time to sort it all out.

And sort it out, they did.

Now, Harry was still sobbing ever so softly against Snape, muttering broken sentences in his sleep. He was still a bit shaken by everything as he cried out about missing Sirius Black, and grieving over his loss of Hogwarts, Magic and his friends onto his Dad's shoulder, making a puddle of tears on Severus' shirt. Severus didn't mind. It felt good to hold his son again after a long, excruciating month of tension and misunderstandings between them.

"Daddy..." Harry whimpered again, trying to mold himself into Snape's body. He tried stopping the tears from falling but, he has to let go of all the pain, loneliness and misery. He cried for James Potter. For Lily Potter. For Sirius Black. For his friends. For the words he said to his father in rage and hatred consuming during the time he was trying to process his godfather's death.

Severus just held the boy tightly against his body. He could feel the tears being absorbed at his shirt. The boy needed this. He needed to let go. Everything around them was blurry. Going in a fast pace like in the movie. It was just both of them. Father and son reconciling. Two broken hearts mending. Everything is going to be alright.

They have been through rough time. They will fight through any obstacles that hurls in their way. Now, it is just two of them letting go of every pain, loneliness and guilt.

He broke out of his reverie when a small soft snore was heard from the boy that was curled up on his lap like a koala on a tree. Every now and then, a whimper would be emitted. Severus held him tight smothering Harry's hair and hummed a tune. Severus could see dark circles beneath the young boy's eyes. He sighed sadly knowing that the boy has nightmares and couldn't sleep due to that.

Soon, his mind was lulled to sleep by the gentle snore of his little boy that is currently tucked with his head nuzzled at his neck. Harry is like a little child. A baby who yearns and calls out for its parents. With his mind filled with happiness and joy, Severus fell asleep at last with no terror haunting his sleep at night while unconsciously tightening his hold. It felt complete. He felt complete. Their family is complete after a long time.


Harry stirred feeling the soft breath against his hair. He was still sleepy. His mind is fuzzy with sleepiness. Eyes blinking rapidly clearing the evidence of him ever sleeping. It was then he realized that he fell sleep at his father's arm after crying like a baby. Harry snuggled into his dad and sighed happily. The tension. Anger. Hatred has dissipated. He looked at the man who is holding him tightly while sleeping. His eyes was closed and the dark circles under his eyes was prominent. He looked tired. Guilt flooded Harry. He left his father alone because he was angry. Ignoring the fact that his father, Ezra Antonin Hartford, despite having a strong and brave persona is a man who needs acceptance and love from time to time. His past is still a part of him. The loneliness, the abandonment and the need to be loved.

Dumbledore may have cared and loved Snape like a son, but he used Snape without caring about what he thinks about his plan or the danger he will be in just for the greater good.  Due to this, Snape distanced himself from people to keep up a strong persona. To put a spy facade. To have a dungeon bat reputation, so that he wouldn't be hurt. Since escaping the wizarding world, his shields have been dropped. He is more vulnerable than he used to be. His emotions are more open. He makes mistakes and he thought what he did was right to protect Harry from the pain of losing someone who is his last link to his late father.

Harry is his past now. He is Hunter Alexander Hartford, the son of Ezra Antonin Hartford. Harry Potter is someone who he used to be. A life he used to live.

A groan was heard as Alec snapped out of his reverie. He heard a murmur, "Alec?" and his father's eyes popped open. Blinking the sleepiness away and a yawn was let out. It took Ezra a few seconds to realize that he is holding his green eyed tyke. The eyes looking back at him lovingly and gentleness. "Slept well, papa?" Asked Alec. Feeling at home and happy at last, "Yes, Alec. I did." Replied Ezra while smiling.

Interrupting the tranquil moment was father and son's stomach grumbling for food. It is lunch time after all. This would be their first lunch without hostility. Harry getting from the bed and adjust his cannula. He helped his father onto the wheelchair and push it towards the dining hall. He could hear the voice of Alice and Stacie. He let out a smile as he heard little Stacie told - more like yell  at her mom that the two of them are here and ready to have a delicious meal.

"Alec! Ezra! I was begining to think the two of you aren't coming down any time soon." Said Alice cheekily

"Now now, Alice. An old man deserved his beauty sleep as you would call it." Retorted Ezra

Stacie held Alec's hand and pulled him towards the table, "Come on! I want to eat! I am hungryyy." Whined Stacie

Everyone chuckled at Stacie and sat around the table. Each of them started taking the food for themselves and digged in. Everyone ate in slience as the birds chirped and the sound of children cycling and laughing. Everything is back like it used to be at the Hartford's household. Alec and his father knew one thing. The two of them would face the danger of the world together.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 04, 2019 ⏰

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