Chapter 10: To Break And Fall

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Snape had just came back from St. Mungo's, when his Floo sprang to life. Healer Rubbards' head appeared. "Yes, Healer Rubbards?"

"Will you come through, Professor Snape? I need to talk to you urgently." asked Healer Rubbards.

"Very well. I'll be through in a minute, Healer," drawled Snape. He sighed, dragging his hand across his face. He quickly did his morning routine. How much he hoped to get some sleep. Sleep that he hadn't get for days.

It's going to be a long day...

Without wasting time, he stepped through the Floo, knowing whatever the Healer is desperate to talk about must be regarding one green-eyed boy.

There stood Healer Rubbards. His face was pale like he found something that shouldn't be there in the very first place.

"Have a sit, Professor," said the healer shakily pointing at the chair opposite him. Snape sat with the ever so elegance he had.

"What is it, Healer Rubbards, that require my presence immediately?" Snape asked suspiciously. The Healer took a deep breathe. It's now or never

"I apologize for interrupting your day. However, just a moment ago, when I was checking on young Mister Potter, I found something that shouldn't be there," said the healer.

"And? What is it?" Asked Snape acknowledging that Rubbards was stalling.

"I found lines etched into his skin. 'I must not tell lies' was etched into his hands. The only thing that could do that would be-"

"--blood quills." Snape interrupted. Snape's face paled even more. He knew how dangerous blood quills could be.

One name popped in his head, Dolores Umbridge.

"Yes. Blood quills. He was most likely under the blood quills for a long time. That could be one of the cause for his Magic Core Depletion," said the Healer.

Snape's knuckles tightened at the arm chair. His knuckles were turning white. He stood stormed out of the office, heading to see one Albus Dumbledore


"Albus Dumbledore!!!" Bellowed Snape.

Albus was startled by the sudden rage emitting from his Potions Master. He looked up and saw Snape heading towards him.

"Yes, my boy?" answered Albus calmly.

Snape slammed his hand on the table not caring about his surroundings, "How dare you! How dare you hire that pink toad! It's your fault that Harry is dying, you old coot!" snarled Snape.

"Severus! Calm down this instant and explain to me what's going on," admonished the headmaster.

"That pink toad has been using blood quill on Harry for God knows how long! Thus causing his Magic Core Depletion. Harry is dying, Albus! He hasn't woken up yet!" Severus exclaimed.

The twinkle from the blue eyes were gone instantly. His eyes went wide. He aged for a few years in a span of a few moments, "Are you sure Severus?" Albus asked.

"Of course I'm sure, Dumbledore! I'm not telling a bedtime story here!" said Snape angrily.

"I'll see what I can do Severus. There's only much I can do. She's under the Ministry," said the Headmaster sadly.

"You have to get rid of her. She's a danger to Harry and to our students. Merlin knows how many students were exposed to that damn blood quill. Could be hundreds..." said Snape

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