Chapter 30: Suspicion awakens

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Hunter slouched against the couch feeling the sun hitting his face. His father was reading A Midsummer Night's Dream by William Shakespeare beneath their Lone Tree. He snickered inwardly, unable to comprehend that Severus Snape was reading a romantic story.

They had breakfast consisting of buttered toast, bacons, fried egg and baked beans. Hunter had a glass of ice milk while Ezra had a cup of coffee. The man was never officially awake till he has a cup of coffee. They had late breakfast as the both of them slept in today after a tiring yesterday.

Yesterday, they went for Ezra's physiotherapy. Hunter felt sad watching his father struggled through the therapy. The effort and energy the man poured into the therapy just to make Alec's life better. Oh the regrets that filled Hunter since the accident was tremendous. He saw pain contorted the man's face. The man was able to lift up his feet a little. Hunter knew it'll take time for the man to walk.

After the therapy, they headed home to rest seeing that Ezra was worn out. Then, they went out to get groceries and prepared a simple dinner before retiring for the day.

"--unter! Hunter! Hunter!" Called out Ezra snapping his fingers in front of Alex's face. The boy broke out of his reverie and smiled sheepishly.

"Are you okay little one? You were out of it for a while. I was worried." Asked Hunter's father with concern.

Hunter nodded, "Yeah. I'm okay. Just thinking about stuff." Ezra raised his eyebrow, "What were you thinking about?"

"Hogwarts and life," replied Hunter.

The man gave an 'ah' in reply and nodded in comprehension. They were sitting in silence for some time. The birds were chirping overhead and the sound of the pages being flipped could be heard. Alex broke the silence asking, "You miss it, don't you? Hogwarts. Potions. Draco, your godson."

The man being questioned looked up and hesitated before replying, "I do. I miss everything. I wonder how Draco is doing. I miss brewing potions. Being free. Doing magic at Hogwarts."

"Me too. I miss Hogwarts. It was my home. My safe haven. I miss my friends. I always wonder how are they doing. I also miss Sirius even when I know that he doesn't remember me. I just miss him. How I wish I could write to him," said Hunter.

Ezra's heart skipped a beat at the mention of Black's name. The boy was still unaware of his death. It has been two months since his death. Holidays is just around the corner. How is he going to tell the boy? Perhaps after the holidays.

Hunter's eyes squinted as he saw his father tensed at the mention of Hogwarts and Sirius. He pushed it to the back of his mind thinking perhaps his father missed Hogwarts and despise at the mention of Black.

The silence took over the atmosphere. The two of them sat in silence minding their own business when Harry interrupted, "Dad! I wanted to ask you. I heard there's a new literature professor that joined Central City High School. Who is it?"

Severus looked up from the book he was reading and said, "Ah yes. Professor Enrique Vasquez. He's the new Literature Professor and he takes his profession seriously." Harry raised his eyebrow in question. "What do you mean?"

"Vasquez rarely talks to anyone, except when he is ordering his assistant and protegè."

Hunter curled his lips upwards and nodded. He heard from Jesse and Andrew that Vasquez was more of a bastard. He was cold and rigid. Always expecting more from the students. Mocks students of their work. That description somehow reminded him of the once Severus Snape before the man saved him.

Putting down the book he was reading, Ezra could that sense something going was on in Alex's mind.

"Earth to Alec. Pray tell, son: care to share?"

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