"You have no right to know that information," I quietly stated.

He turned his head and shrugged before looking at me. "I'm only asking a question."

"Don't," I pointed my finger at him. "Play dumb with me."

"Walk with me," He said. 

I wavered before taking a couple steps. I joined him at his side and we continued our walk. I crossed my arms over my chest and allowed the silence to grow thick with tension between us. Although his little stunt with me seeing my dead parents happened a while ago, I was still upset that he knew about them. I didn't tell anyone besides my best friend and she should have been the only person in town that knew.

 I moved away after their funeral and left all of my old life there except for my close friend, Silvia. I started a new life in Austin after she and I was accepted into the University of Texas at Austin. I've been attending there for almost four years, since I was nineteen. The way that I left was the way I wanted to leave everything behind. It shouldn't be resurfacing with Durst because I buried my past. Now, it was all coming back to life and I had no control of it this time.

"Car accident, right?" He asked again.

This time, I couldn't control my anger. I mustered up all the energy that I could and I began to punch him over and over again. Tears blurred my vision and rage spoke for me.

"You don't know nothing about me!" I yelled at him.

I continued to punch him although he just stood there like I was a little child hitting him. That only made me angrier so I raised my foot to kick him, but he instantly grabbed it and held it in his hands.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you," He smirked.

I raised my hand as far back as I could before smacking that stupid smirk off his face. He instantly yanked my leg towards him and he wrestled me to the ground trying to pin me. I started to resist, scratching and punching anything I could lay my hands upon. He grabbed each of my wrists and he pinned them to my sides. At that point, I began to cry. I allowed myself to cry after all these years. 

I finally cried, cried with snot and wails about my parents, the predicament I was in, and over myself. Durst was right. I was nothing behind this facade that I've been trying to hold up all these years. I hated to admit that he was right.

I sniffed. "Get off me!"

I cried repeating it over and over again until there were silent tears falling and I was hiccuping from my breakdown I just had. Durst raised his hand and I flinched at his touch. He hesitated before beginning to wipe my tears away with his thumbs. He was still on top of me, pinning me with his body but my hands were free. 

"Celia, it wasn't your fault," He started.

"How do you even know about them anyway?" 

He continued to stroke my face. "You revealed the missing pieces when I put you in that room. I just knew that your parents were in a car accident, that's all."

"That still doesn't answer my question," I sniffed trying to get control of my hiccups.

"It was easy access to find. I did research on all of y'all. How'd you think I found you?" 

"Hopefully, you're beginning to figure out the reasoning behind your tests." He said standing up holding out his hand.

I took it this time, but I quickly let go once I was back on my feet. My body felt more exhausted mentally than physically this time. I was beginning to feel weary from interrupted sleep and from all the crying I did. I didn't want to talk anymore and I didn't want to begin to understand what he said. All I wanted to do was sleep. I wanted to sleep and when I woke up, I would be in my dorm room and life would go back to normal.

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⏰ Last updated: May 02, 2019 ⏰

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