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In the mornings when I leave early for work, I always take the same route. Down the block, turn left at the bookstore and then all the way to Barry's chocolate- and coffeeshop.

Every morning, I order the same drink. A coffee with almond-milk and a bit of sugar. I've done it so many times now, that the baristas has the drink ready when I come in. With a coffee in my hand, I walk the remaining three blocks to come to my office.

And every morning, while I'm making my way to work, I see him. The guy in the black hoodie, ripped jeans and light blue Adidas shoes.

We never walk besides each other, but I've almost made it into a little game to find him every morning.

He usually turns up around 7:30, always wearing the same outfit. One day his shoes are dirty, the other they're as clean as new ones. His face is most of the time hidden, but some lucky mornings I can get a glimpse of his curly, dark hair and the lightly tanned skin.

With his hand in his pockets he strolls down the street, like he doesn't know where to go. And every morning I watch him, until I arrive at the coffeeshop. When I come out again, he's gone, and I'll have to wait 'til the next morning to see him again.

But not this time.

With the coffee in my hand I stand inside Barry's, waiting for the cashier to hand me the change.

I haven't seen the mysterious guy all day, and I'm not going to lie: I am a bit confused. After seeing this man for three months straight, it has become a routine to look for him in the morning.

And just as that thought hits my mind, I see him.

He's sitting at the table closest to the door. He looks out the big window besides him while slowly stirring the content of the white cup with a small silver spoon.

He's deep in his thoughts, I see that almost immediately.

"Miss, your change." The cashier suddenly speaks, and I apologize and take the coins in her hand.

I turn back to the guy, and he's staring at me. Even from across the room his piercing blue eyes are unbelievably beautiful, and I feel my heart skip a beat.

Before I can get a closer look at his beauty, he turns away. He quickly stands up, and before I can say anything he disappears through the front door.

Happy and a bit disappointed - happy because I got to see the pretty and mysterious guy, disappointed because he left so quickly - I too walk out the door and go to work.

The whole next week I don't see him anywhere. Not on the street, not at Barry's - he's nowhere to be found.

But I can't stop thinking about him. Those blue eyes haunt me in my dreams at night, and in the day they're all I can think of.

On the ninth day of not hearing or seeing from him, I am once again on my way to work when I recognize the curly, dark-brown hair and the now dirty sneakers.

I glance at him from over the street and for the second time in two weeks I see those eyes.

He stops right in the middle of the sidewalk, trying to decide if he should come over or not.

I make the decision for him, and soon we stand just a few meters from one another.

He looks down at his shoes, but I can see how he starts to blush. His hands still deep in his pockets, he gets a bit chocked when I hold out mine.

He takes my hand and higher his head. I can finally get a good look at his face.

I gasp.

The mysterious guy is..

"..a women." She finishes my untold sentence and smiles a little.

"Oh, I thought you were.."

"Yeah, I get that a lot."

She lets go of my hand and we stand quietly for a few moments.

"Well, isn't this a coincidence?" she says and laughs nervously. A smile makes its way to my lips. "I mean, after three months of seeing you and here we are, talking."

"Believe it or not, but this is fate," I say in response and she giggles.

"If you say so." Her eyes sparkle and my legs start to feel like jelly.

"Here." She hands me a paper with a series of numbers on it. "Call me sometime, if you want to." She bites her lower lip.

She starts to walk away, and I watch her as she disappears behind a corner.

I stare at the number in my hand, when I realize that I don't know her name.

I quickly call the number written on the napkin, and the phone crackles when she answers.


"Hey. It's the girl from the street.. I never got to know your name. I'm Kate, by the way."

I can almost hear her smile through the phone.

"I'm Faith."

thank you for reading my novel! this is my contribution to #wattpride. for more information and rules according that, read "pen your pride with #wattpride" by @lgbtq .
criticism is welcome and encouraged, since english isn't my native language.

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