Even if the candidates were wildly inappropriate, some were kept in the proposal packet simply for the humor of it. Too tall. Too short. Too old. Too young. Too greasy. Too uptight. Too much facial hair. Too bald.

At first Zhang had stoically held to her stand that she had no preference.

Lil poured her a glass of champagne.

"No, thank you," Zhang politely refused the beverage.

"Everyone drinks at weddings," Lil insisted.

Zhang motioned with her hand at the movie theatre around them and said, "This is not even the wedding."

"True," Lil laughed and pushed the drink into Zhang's hand. "But you're going to spend a significant amount of time with whoever we pick. There is the rehearsal, the wedding itself, photos, maybe even some dancing. You don't think you care now, but do you really want to spend the wedding holding onto this Prince Charming?"

Lil motioned to Maddy who brought up a photo of a man they had actually found on a world's scariest criminals website, but Zhang didn't need to know that. Lil said, "Sober, you don't seem able to decide. We can choose for you if you want, but this is what might happen." Maddy cued up the photo of Zhang and a long haired, mostly toothless criminal walking down an aisle together.

Shamelessly, Lil added a final zinger, "Maddy even has the software that could show you what your children would look like if ended up with him." The photo Maddy produced was as hilarious as it was hideous.

Zhang downed the glass of champagne in one gulp and replaced the glass.

Abby looked on, shaking her head. "Lil, you are..."

Maddy answered for her, "My hero!"

Abby smiled sympathetically at Zhang and said, "You know, I can call her off. At least, I can try."

Zhang took the second glass of champagne Lil offered her and smiled in resignation. She and Lil were polar opposites, but somehow they had connected and were building a friendship through the planning the wedding together. She joked, "I had no idea that the American custom was to choose a groomsman worthy of bearing children with or I would have paid more attention to the previous ones. Please, cue up the next one."

Nicole read the corresponding card. "Sheikh Rachid bin Amir al Hantan, Crown Prince of Najriad–a small country but gaining prominence for their technology as well as their oil."

Lil shot a quick look at Zhang and saw her interest before she was able to conceal it again. Thank you champagne. Lil prompted, "He's hot."

Abby added, "I think Dominic actually knows him pretty well. He either graduated from Harvard the year before or the year after Dom and Jake did. I've heard him mention him before." She smiled, "I agree–he's hot." Everyone looked at her. "What, I'm getting married, but I'm not blind. That man is gorgeous."

Zhang said, "He wouldn't be our worst choice."

Lil said, "Cue up how they would look as a couple."

Maddy clapped. "Oh, we have to pick him. He's perfect for you."

Nicole warned, "Just remember, gorgeous men have big..." she paused for dramatic emphasis. "Egos." She finished with a laugh.

Everyone laughed – even Zhang.

Abby said, "If he got out of line, I'm sure Zhang could put him firmly back in his place."

Zhang straightened a little defensively and said, "Sometimes I'm shy around men." A round of laughter swept the room, but Zhang didn't join in. She added, "You don't work as much as I do and date much."

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