She shook it, her eyes narrowing suspiciously.

What was he playing at?

"Lillian Dartley."

He put a hand on the back of the chair across from her. "Is this seat taken?"

"What if I said yes?"

He didn't smile. "I would come back every day until you said it wasn't."

She gulped. Her voice was a bit of a croak as she said, "Please. Sit."

He sat and leaned back in the chair. "So, you work here?"

"Yes." Then, because she didn't know what else to say, she said, "This is my second week."

"You like it?"

"It's okay." Getting more interesting by the minute. "Everyone is very nice."

"I miss you." He reached across the table and took her hand lightly. "You and Colby."

Lil's hand shook in his. "What is this, Jake? What are you doing here?"

He turned her hand over in his and curled his fingers through hers. "You were right. We have things we need to figure out, but we shouldn't do it alone. I want to hear about your first week at work, to see the paintings you bring home from your art class. I want to be there when Colby takes her first step. I'm not going to settle for less than everything."

Tears welled in Lil's eyes. She wanted so badly to believe, but she couldn't.

He asked, "Do you think your boss would let you take an extended lunch?"

"I think he'd be fired if he didn't," Lil said with a rueful smile. Working for Dominic's company wasn't exactly like getting a job on her own merit. There was a price to pay for being associated with such a powerful man, but Lil was becoming more comfortable with it each day. Life could be much worse. Curiosity got the best of her. "Why?"

"I have a surprise for you."

Instead of heading out the front door, Jake led her to the elevator and pressed the button for the roof. There in the middle of the landing pad was a luxury helicopter with a huge red ribbon on the side of it. Lil had seen helicopters before, but none like this. It was longer than most and had two distinct sections, a front area for the pilot and a passenger area that looked as comfortable and private as a limousine. Lil cupped her eyes and peeked into one of the round windows. Jake opened the door to the passenger compartment and said, "You can look closer than that, it's yours."

Lil looked at the six ivory, leather seats that flanked a lushly-carpeted, center aisle and turned back to Jake. "You got me a helicopter?"

Jake shrugged. "I heard you hate flowers. The interior is completely soundproof so you don't have to worry about headphones for Colby."

"This is crazy."

"No, this is how we start over." He handed her a card. "Call this number and a pilot will be here in about thirty minutes. Boston to New York takes about an hour and a half, but you'll never fight traffic. Colby's car seat will clip right in."

"So you want me to come down to New York more often?"

"If you want to. Or I'll come up here. I know how to be your lover. I'm working on the rest of your list."



He's serious.

Oh, God, he's serious.

"I have one other surprise," he said.

Lil wasn't sure she could take another one, her heart was already beating double-time in her chest. "I've hired a real estate agent and he compiled a list of lofts available in both Boston and New York."

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