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I'm being followed.

By two buff and scary looking white men.

Hell nah. I AM NOT gonna end up in somebody's fridge. Not today. I got my rape whistle, pepper spray, and holy water no respectable woman should leave home without.

Dammit. I should have never worn this short business skirt. Muffins warned me. I whispered a prayer up towards heaven, "Jesus be a fence," as the two devils closed in. All the air seemed to get sucked right out of the small store.

I breathe a sigh of relief as they swerved, passing me by, headed for the beverage section.

Maybe I'm just paranoid.

I snatched a SNICKERS and a bag of Hot Cheetos off the shelf and practically ran to the cash register to purchase my items. "We'll be paying for that, Jerry," A deep voice said. There was a hint of a sexy Irish or perhaps Scottish lilt to it. They were behind me. I dug a hand in my purse clutching the pepper spray. A large tattooed hand reached over me, giving cashier "Jerry" the money.

I spun and smoothed my hair back with a hand. The two very large men stood shoulder to shoulder, arms folded over their chests staring down at me with looks that could only be described as basely sexual. "Uh, thank you," I said and dashed out of the store headed for my car.

As soon as I opened my car door that same large tattooed paw shut it. I nearly lost a good finger. "What is the meaning of this insolence?" A black woman speaking proper English always threw people off.

"We were expecting a proper thank you for our generosity."

To hell with propriety. "I mean... it was only like... two dollars. On the streets, that's not even enough for a hand job. Just saying- not that I would know anything about that."

One golden eyed twin threw his head back and laughed, silver tongue ring flashing. While the other twin leaned against my car with an amused expression plastered on his handsome face.

"Verra funny, lass." Lass. He just called me lass. This one's accent was thicker than the other. "I'm Tank. This here's my brother Bane."

"So..." My patience was wearing thin. I got places to go and people to see. When my patience runs too thin the bitch comes out and feelings get hurt.

"We want to take care of you," Bane said.


Now why did they have to go and say that?

Un-uh the devil is a lie.

He just served up a two for one special trying to tempt me.

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