chapter 6: you all thought ruby was gonna make it

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Y/n:" It's time to get my 6th notebook"

Blake:" I'm so excited!! I might even win!"

Y/n:" No way! I'm going to win this!"

Ruby:" Why are you guys fighting over Rewards that you haven't seen or even been told about"

Y/n:" Glynda said, it would be money if we collect all 8 books"

Blake:" She told me it would, endless amounts of Ninja's of love...."

Ruby:" She told me it was supposed to be a vacation to Land of the cookies"

Y/n:" I wonder what she told the others, let's go ask them"

Ruby:" we can't leave the school or else we would be disqualified"

Blake:" We text them Genius"

Ruby:" Thank you!"

Blake texted everyone that was supposed to Join them in the math classes but the funny thing is, all their phones said, it was out of service

Blake:" I've texted everyone, it shows me that, their phones are out of service"

Everyone sighed as they went to their next class room and seen Glynda holding 3 not books

Glynda:" Ready when you are~ what is 9-0 "

Y/n:" 9 "

Glynda:" Your correct~! What is 9 × 1"

Blake:" it's 9 Mrs glynda"

Glynda:" Ruby what is 9274730294747338212457 × 13467997429639293939÷ 1029384746372929284747 × 0 × 0÷ 0 ÷ 0?"

Ruby:" Umm.......10..?"

Glynda:" So close~ well your disqualified ruby rose"

Ruby:" Darn it.. .well good luck Y/n and Blake...I love you y/n..."

Ruby walked outta of the room and we looked at glynda and her Eyes and pupils has gone small like she's complete angry, she gave us our books and didn't say anything, we assumed she looked at her phone and seem something Disturbing, but the 2 students didn't know is that something disturbing was about to happen

Glynda:" Hey ruby"

Ruby:" Yes Mrs glynda, what can I do for you"

Glynda:" Can I see your note books?"

Ruby turned around and looked in her book bag before she stopped

Ruby:" wait, why do you need to see my not-"

She was cut off as Glynda Had shot her in the head and smiled insanely as her head was twitching violently

Glynda:" Y/n is mine~ only mine~ bad ruby...very bad~"

Ozpin:" No going Yandere in the hall"

Velvet:" Let's play!"

Jaune:" give me something great"


Penny:" I hug people for all eternity"


Glynda:" Hehehehe~"



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